Plank Kitchen Backsplash Using Peel and Stick Flooring

by Mom4Real

I was looking for an inexpensive way to cover the backsplash area in our kitchen and stumbled upon the coolest product ever! I grabbed some peel and stick faux wood flooring and took it home...the result was so cool that I had to share!

I've been obsessed with plank walls since they started popping up all over the internet! I really wanted to try one for myself, but wasn't sure where I would add one. So, one day when walking through Home Depot, I found these peel and stick faux wood flooring and thought they would work for a small space and weren't permanent, so why not give it a try?

You can simply cut them to the size you need and peel the sticker off the back, then stick them to your wall.

I staggered them and stuck them up, then painted them a light grey.

So, now I have the perfect plank wall backsplash! It was super inexpensive and I finished it within an hour and a half! You don't have to paint them if you don't want, that's just the look I was going for.

Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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  • Pam Hurlock Fitch Pam Hurlock Fitch on Aug 05, 2017

    This is just what I've been looking for to use on my kitchen floor. I didn't know what to ask for when I got to the hardware store!!! I saw it done on Rachel Ray while I was recouping from a broken leg. I remember the floor needs to be very clean and the gal used a roiling pin to press the planks down instead of a rented machine. Her floor looked fabulous!! It's just me and the dog with few if any visitors, so think it should last? I'd like to put it on the bathroom too but (1) I'm concerned about moisture (2) Concerned about cutting around stuff. Do you are a tutorial on how to cut vinyl, tile, etc. around stuff like the toilet and tub???

  • B B on Sep 03, 2017

    i tried this but the tiles kept coming loose did you have this issue, any suggestions

  • Nana Nana on Feb 02, 2018

    whar did you do to your counter Top?

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4 of 227 comments
  • Jade Towe Jade Towe on Apr 23, 2018

    Will absolutely try this!! Marvelous idea for an older house update! Thanx!!!

  • Gale O'Neal Gale O'Neal on Sep 10, 2019

    That is what we did in our new home. We have grey walls and I used gray flooring. Only thing is because it is by the stove, I had to put finishing nails in places that wanted to come loose.

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    • Gale O'Neal Gale O'Neal on Jan 30, 2021

      I understand. I have had mine up since 2018 and it is starting to look (if you look real close) that I should redo with a new backsplash. The dog/pet area is still ok.
