Fun Animal Hooks for Kids

Reuse those old animal toys (or the ones that have been partially mutilated by the dogs) to create a animal hook rack for bags and coats!
I chose the butts because I think a little humor is always a good thing, but you could easily use the heads as well, or a combo of both!
A hacksaw easily cuts through the little guys. There is something so wrong with securing a poor animal in a vice grip and sawing through it's body.
A coat of spray paint.
Pre-drill pilot holes to avoid splitting in the wood.
Screws attach the butts in place.
What a view!
Jenny @ Refresh Living
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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  2 questions
  • L L on Jan 13, 2016
    any idea how to secure the hollow ones? the solid animals are pricey even at Walmart
  • Diane Schule Diane Schule on May 26, 2017

    What are these animals? Hollow, flexible, firm, shape-holding, solid? And what paint did you use, it's great! They look like porcelain.

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  • Gail Gail on May 27, 2017

    Very cute !

  • Mcgypsy9 Mcgypsy9 on May 28, 2017

    I love your version! I too have made this but with the fronts of the animals. I will be using the rears for another similar project. Here are a couple of pics of my first one. I made this for my nieces baby boy. She was doing his room as farm life. My next one will be the rears of the animals feeding on hay in the barn.

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