Desk Re-do

by Cindy
Big change for a little desk. Using only leftover paint I gave this a bright new look.
Hardware removed and a quick sanding
The pull-out desk top and cubbies were left their original color.
What color do I want it? I couldn't decide so just used them all! Mostly turquoise with some orange, gold, purple, pink & gray. All homemade chalk paint and then a couple of coats of polyurethane and she's done.
Looks a lot happier now.
Cut a hole through the back and the desk is now a charging station for phones, tablets & Kindle. Very convenient
Love the new hardware!
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3 of 6 comments
  • SusieJen SusieJen on May 04, 2015
    Very nice re-do! I have a small ( I believe it was made for a child), roll top desk I am thinking of painting. Did you dry brush this at all?
    comment photo
    • Cindy Cindy on May 04, 2015
      I did do dry brushing on this. Glad you like it. Good luck on your desk project.
  • Katrina Warren Katrina Warren on May 04, 2015
    Great job, love the mix of colors!