Botanical Art Makeover

1 Hour
I've been busy remodeling my small mudroom home office on a budget. I knew that when I saw this set of botanical prints that I could make them into something new. My original plan was to print a new graphic on each and decoupage. The more I started looking at them, the more I really like the look and the text. They were just so dingy, dirty and yellowed. Just cleaning didn't do the trick. I figured that I could experiment a bit and if that didn't look right, I'd go with my original plan. style ating
Little effort equals a big change in my French Farmhouse home office makeover which is still a work in progress.
Here is the before. They were very yellowed and dirty looking. The entire set was $3!
The bottom print has white wash the one above and the others have not been painted yet. Visit my blog for the complete how to!
After they were white washed, I painted the outer edges with liquid gold.
I love the new look! They are subtly vintage. My office is gradually becoming a space that I love. The new wall color has made a big difference going from green to a light neutral really brightens the space.
Christy @ Our Southern Home
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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  • Carolyn Noyer Carolyn Noyer on Feb 21, 2016
    What is white wash and where do you get it?
  • Betty Sides Betty Sides on Jun 14, 2016
    Lorrie, I love the botanicals you showed, I would like to see the entire picture book, would that be possible? Thanks so much! Betty New Sides, Lewisville, Tx
  • Lillian Lillian on Oct 26, 2019

    What does whitewash actually do to the picture?

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6 of 13 comments
  • Elaine Duncan Elaine Duncan on Nov 22, 2015
    I really appreciate the simplicity of your solutions!! Love the gold edging...elegant, perfect. I just can't help wanting to rescue some of the things I get that special inspiration from!! Thanks for sharing this.
  • Lorrie Lorrie on Apr 13, 2016
    I have those very botanical prints for sale on kijiji kelowna canada under pictures. Sorry about the lighting on them I was trying to get away from the glare. They are brightly colored and detailed.
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