Entertainment Center Repurpose and Upcycle
Kitchen Kelli
(IC: blogger)
Have you seen all the entertainment centers at yard sales, thrift stores and curbside lately? No one wants them anymore because many people have flat screen TVs. We had two given to us in the last few years because they were both solid wood. These were the quickest repurpose jobs we ever did. We did not even bother to paint!
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Published June 26th, 2013 4:16 PM
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5 of 15 comments
Tonia Krumvieda on Jun 25, 2014Kitchen Kelli I have this exact (entertainment) cabinet that I am turning into a wardrobe for my little boy. I had the same idea as you and wanted to use a tension rod to hang clothing from but it will not clear the doors. Therefore I cannot close the doors. I want the doors to close but also want to hang clothing..I need some sort of rod and some way to attach it but at a bit of a loss as to what to use? any thoughts?? possibly attach to the "roof" /top of the wardrobe and not the sides?
Tonia Krumvieda on Jun 25, 2014@Kitchen Kelli I am confused on the rod holders. Not sure I know what you are referring to. As far as the rod are you talking a cafe curtain rod?
- See 1 previous
Tonia Krumvieda on Jun 25, 2014@Tonia Krumvieda @Kitchen Kelli It just dawned on me...are you talking about something that would be similar to a support on a large/long curtain rod?
Kitchen Kelli on Jun 25, 2014@Tonia Krumvieda yes, exactly!
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