Rustic Valentine Art

6 Materials
The Key to My Heart Valentine's Day Art add a perfect touch of rustic and can be made from a salvaged piece of wood and takes less than an hour.
As I was cleaning up and putting things away, I found this old piece of wood in my stash. It used to be a table top that I salvaged from a broken table on the side of the road. It was peeling, crooked and sad... perfect for my Valentine Art project.
1. Paint the board with white paint. I used Miss Mustard Seed Farmhouse White. You only need one coat since you want the piece to have an old, worn look to it.

2. Draw a heart to the right side of the wood. I used a pencil to draw out my heart and then just painted right over it. I didn't mind if the pencil showed through a bit, it just added the feel of textured wood lines.
3. Add some wax lines to the heart. The wax keeps the paint from adhering in those spots and makes the heart appear to be made out of separate boards.
4. Paint the heart. I used Country Chic Paint in Vintage Cupcake and painted right over the wax lines.
5. Add the "Key to your heart". Use a key stencil to make a key on the opposite side of the board as the heart. I stenciled the key using Fusion Mineral Paint Coal Black.

6. Add some vintage hardware and a painted ribbon to connect the two. The vintage hardware adds another dimension to the piece. I added a piece of from a stash I found awhile ago and then drew out and painted a ribbon to connect the two.

7. Finish the piece off with a light sanding.
This rustic Valentine art looks lovely on my shelf and adds a touch of whimsy to my Living Room. In under an hour I had some new art and saved an old board from the trash.

Hope over to the blog to see additional pictures and more rustic wood and paint projects.
Suggested materials:
  • Country Chic Paint in Vintage Cupcake   (Local Stockist)
  • Miss Mustard Seed Milk Paint in Farmhouse White   (Local Stockist)
  • Fusion Mineral Paint in Coal Black   (Local Stockist)
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