How To Flock A Christmas Tree...
This process was done with using white spray paint, powdered snow and Wall Texture.
I mentioned to my daughter that I would love to try my hand at flocking a Christmas tree. My daughter happened to still have her old Christmas tree that was missing some branches, as well as the top part of the tree. I told her that I would gladly take it. The tree would be perfect to practice on.
To replace the missing branches, I used tree branch fillers from Hobby Lobby. Each branch had to be shortened in length. I used a hack saw to cut the metal stems.
I used three branch fillers for the top of the tree.
The green branches were spray painted white. Since there was a rust issue, I used Rust-oleum 2x Ultra Cover. This paint covers in one coat.
The Powdered Snow Process: This is the messy stage....make sure you have your work area covered. The powdered snow was applied to each branch with a sifter. When you are happy with the amount of coverage you have on the branch, spray water on each branch using a spray bottle. When the water hits the snow, it puffs up and hardens.
Snow covered branch.
Wall Texture Spray Process. Homax Wall Texture Spray is applied to each branch. I used the "heavy" setting. I loved how it looks on the branches. It looks like new fallen snow fell on each branch.
I love how this tree turned out! was messy, but worth every minute spent on this project. I would do it again in a heartbeat. There is flaking if the branches are hit. I plan to give this tree a new coat of snow each year.
I used 6 cans of spray paint, 3 bagsof powder snow and almost 2 cans of the wall texture spray. I have $70.00 into this project.
The Decorated Tree...I used silver ribbon and ornaments in different colors of silver. I love how this tree turned out.
DIY Christmas Decorations
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Hillela G. on Aug 10, 2016Now am I getting really excited for the Holiday season! It looks lovely!!
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Is this a fire hazard b/c of the spray paint and wall texture spray? I'm nervous..
Can you tell me how this held up after being stored and put back up the next year? Thanks in advance!