No-Scratch Rock Doorstop

5 Materials
5 Minutes

Nobody likes doors slamming, which is why doorstops are super useful! Even better is when you can make your own doorstop with a flat rock or brick rescued from the beach or forest and a scrap piece of wool sweater to keep it from scratching the floor! You don't have to pay a cent when using found and repurposed materials, and this is also a super quick project!

Go to the beach (or any other outdoor place) and collect some rocks and/or bricks. Make sure that they are heavy and have a flat bottom. Then let's get creating!

You need:

  • a flat and heavy rock/brick
  • an old wool sweater, previously felted in the washing machine ( find out how to do that here)
  • a permanent marker
  • fabric scissors
  • a glue gun

Make sure that you've felted your wool sweater according to the instructions in the blog post linked to in the materials section above. You can tell that the wool is properly felted when the fibers become matted, the fabric is thicker and smaller than before, and you can no longer easily see the individual knit fibers.

Cut open the sweater, then trace the around the rock with the permanent marker on it.

Cut it out and glue it to the bottom of the rock.

Can't get much easier than that, right?! Now make one for every room of your home!

Use the scraps of the cut-up wool sweater for another great fix for your home: no-cost, no-scratch chair pads!

Suggested materials:
  • Old wool sweaters
  • Fabric scissors
  • Big rock with a flat bottom   (Beach)
See all materials
Cucicucicoo: Eco Sewing & Crafting
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