Beginning to Look Like Spring...

Lori J
by Lori J
It sure feels like my garden is off to a very slow start. What a Schizophrenic start we have had to the growing season. In just a few short weeks we have had snow, 100 degree temperatures, and a bit of a cold snap.
My take on the garden hose wreath.
Window boxes on the fence.
A gift from my son, who knows my fetish oh so well.
Hostas in containers.
The iron work on the fence is a bit of an old bench. I moved this chair into this area and added a bicycle basket planter on the fence.
My tower has grown by one more level this year and continues to be one of my favorite elements.
I have such a fetish for galvanized stuff.
My neighbors had to remove four towering pines this spring..changing the quality of light.
Hangers on the shed with spray painted pots.
Wax begonias under planting boxwoods in patio pots.
A bit of silliness.
I love geraniums.
I love container gardening, especially when I can put together unusual combinations of greenery.
Just another view of one of two thrifted husband dreams of huge ceramic planters and I dream of affording them!
Hose wreath number two--yep, I am so cheap, er thrifty,that I cut one hose in two.
A moment of silence for the three trees we lost this winter. Hello roses.
So, if you have an old aquarium stand laying about, I have a suggestion for you.
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  • Linda Clemmer Linda Clemmer on May 09, 2016
    The stacked galvanized tubs, what do you put in the middle to hold them up?
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