Damaged cane chair gets fabric makeover how to..pics

Shabby Paints
by Shabby Paints
Quick Picture how to: What to do when the cane is damaged. How to use fabric, hot glue, and a lot of staples to Makeover a vintage cane chair. Easier than you think.
Vintage Cane Chair makeover~Before She was a beauty but the cane was torn.
Before She was a beauty but the cane was torn.
Before Take pictures or mental notes of how and where everything was..incase you got lost along the way. I ripped out all the cane and backing.
Before Take pictures or mental notes of how and where everything was..incase you got lost along the way. I ripped out all the cane and backing.
I ripped it all out and started with a blank canvas. Painted, Vaxed (yes vaxed), and distressed first.
I Pulled the gray fabric very tight to make a strong back for the chair. I used a lot of staples because this part won't show.
The outside of the chair...you can use any fabric there I was afraid I would run out of the greek key so I opted to use a contrasting gray Duck cloth. strong and easy to work with.
Then the fabric (blue key) that will show is a little trickier. Folded for a smooth edge and hot glued along the existing edge. Yes lots of burns..I have no fingerprints :)
Seat is easy cover pull taut and staple..tuck tuck pull and repeat.
Cotton trim/rope hot glued for clean edge..could have been used on all edges to hide glue, staples etc..if I hadn't of ran out :)
Hot Glue, Furniture tacks, staples, and lots of tucking. ;)
Vintage Cane Chair makeover~After
Vintage Cane Chair makeover~After
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2 of 8 comments
  • Redoux Interiors Redoux Interiors on May 08, 2013
    What a great idea! I have a few chairs with cane backing where it is damaged and have been considering replacing it with fabric. Thanks for the great tips!
  • Shabby Paints Shabby Paints on May 08, 2013
    Oh and adding some stuffing would be cute too. Tag me when you do :)