Is this a Palm Tree in my front yard?
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Yes it is, but not certain as to what type, there are so many! I would take a photo and a frond to your local nursery for proper identification.
Looks like a dwarf saw palmetto. They're more like a shrub than a tree.
dwarf saw palmetto?
do they grow more than 6ft tall?
Yes... it is a Palm... what variety I really can't say..ask your local nursery
I believe that is a fan palm.
The get tall over time.
Definitely looks like a baby palm. I agree, take the picture to a local trusted greenhouse, they may be able to tell you which type it is. Look at some of the ones that are nearby in your neighborhood to see if they look similar.
do they just grow randomly? or previous owner before me planted them?
Looks like a palmetto plant.
They come up from seed very easily and if you don't watch out they can take over. They can get massive and their fronds have nasty spikes. They suck up water too. Eventually they can shade out other trees. Can you tell I don't like them? They have a place as they can be pretty, but that place should have plenty of room.
It is a mexican fan palm tree, and it will grow into one of these: