How do I water tomato plants underground using a trashcan or bucket?
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Hello! Here are three different ideas for watering tomato plants!
Hope this helps!
I have underground sprinkler system for my lawn and garden area. I have drip lines at specific plants.
Here's a system that works well for me, especially if going on vacation:
Great information and pictures here:
Here is how to water them underground using pvc pipe:
Here is info about watering tomato plants good luck to you
Hi Kayasme, You can plant your tomatoes around a small bucket with holes drilled in it at the bottom. Every few days put of water in the bucket. It will filter through the holes and deep water the tomato roots and not the leaves.
Make hole in bucket and sink it into the ground. Fill it up and it will gradually trickle into the earth below. You can also do this with cut off plastic bottles turned upside down next to plants. Pour water into the cut end ..................
You should be able to add the water above ground and it will get to your plants, but you can use a soaker hose with tiny holes and put it underground but it would need a faucet not a bucket to feed the water to the hose.