An Inexpensive Kitchen Backsplash for about $1.99

3 Hours
A vintage looking kitchen back splash for nearly next to nothing but the cost of a roll or two of aluminum foil a thrifty beautiful kitchen addition. For complete instructions view my blog at This is a very forgiving project ,if the foil rips just cut another piece and replace. Have fun with it!
Using regular tin foil ,a stencil and some other household items can create a beautiful vintage looking backsplash.
The stencil foil technique really pops once the light application of paint is applied in the last step,For full instructions for this project visit
Lisa@ Sweet Tea N' Salty Air
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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  2 questions
  • Joy8819 Joy8819 on Apr 03, 2016
    I am a first time DIY'er. Would you please put more detailed instructions and repost? And, how do you clean it as foil is fragile? Thanx in advance for your help!
  • Corri4ann Corri4ann on Nov 16, 2016
    I have been to your link, or your blog and I cannot find the information on this aluminum foil backsplash. I know you repeated your blog's address, but still, I cannot find it. Help!
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