DIY - Change Bookshelf Color & Add a Little Pizzazz!

Jennifer Godwin
by Jennifer Godwin
My oldest daughter was redoing her bedroom, finally moving on from college days furniture. She painted her walls a lovely shade of turquoise and had finally had accumulated furniture of a certain style. She is an avid bookreader/lover and has a ton of books and had bought two Ikea bookshelves a LONG time ago in this ridiculous (at least to me) blond wood color. She needed some organization (shelves) in her room but had already spent her budget on new comforter and media cabinet. I'd watched the hosts on HGTV spray paint everything under the sun and figured - what the heck, let's give it a shot. So we set forth gathering supplies for the spray paint adventure.
P.S. Am I the only one to get paint all over them from spray painting?
BEFORE - This is the evil twin of the bookshelf we painted. It is STILL blonde wood colored & has somehow made it into my office. It doesn't know that it is NEXT to experience a color change.
Okay - those people that look all "together" while doing DIY stuff - that is obviously not me! No sanding required - goopey stuff purchased per Home Depot suggestion. It really worked! You can just see top of the bottle by my legs
Sara spray painting - we ganged up on this bookshelf - I was spray painting one side & she was spray painting the other
We hated the backboard color; it was probably as close to non-color as you can get. My daughter picked up a $7.00 remnant of a cute gray/white print fabric. We used spray adhesive to affix to the backboard. We are tacking back on
And here is how it looks with fabric covered backboard - she loves it!
AFTER: And now, back in her bedroom. Not sure why it has this pinkish hue - it is a true gray/white print. Looks so good with her black furniture & beautiful turquoise (think of Greek islands) walls.
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2 of 3 comments
  • Sue Kopp Sue Kopp on Feb 08, 2014
    wow. this is precious. And LOVE That Fightin' Texas Aggie Shirt! Whoop!
  • Jennifer Godwin Jennifer Godwin on Feb 15, 2014
    Penny, for the life of me I can't remember the name but it was at Home Depot in the spray paint area. I just asked the guy is there any product I can buy that means I do t have to sand this finished surface before I spray paint and he led me to it.