Colorful Glass Marble Bird Bath

20 Minutes
I am always looking to recycle items around the house.
This planter bottom is a perfect example. The plastic planter itself broke, and it was so brittle after years of being outside. It became unusable, and I simply could not salvage it for further use.
However, this bottom piece was in good shape. I looked at it and saw an opportunity to use it in a different way.
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I have used a kit to make stepping stones for my gardens. After using the kit, I knew I could create something just as wonderful and maybe a touch better than what the kit had in it. Thus, this Colorful Marble Bird Bath was born.

I bought a bag of mixed colored marbles like these. I actually bought them from the craft store, and I also added in some of the clear marbles I had from the dollar store. You can decide how much you want to spend on your stone. The bags at the dollar store have soft colors like blue, green and clear. The ones at the craft store come in a variety of colors and cost about $6 for a bag that is twice the size of the dollar store ones.
First, you need to find a space to create this stone. Realize it will be a bit messy, and it will need to sit for several days undisturbed, while the concrete dries.

Also getting your marbles into a container to reach into easier is a good idea. I had a bucket of water there to dip my fingers in if some of the marbles went into the concrete too much as well.
You can use this stepping stone mix, for the size base I have which is about 24″ around. I would use two boxes. They are about $8 a box.

You could also mix your own quantity using concrete mix that you buy by the bag at the local hardware store. A 50 lb bag is between $3-$5. You can ask the store clerk the best kind to buy for creating stones. Something with small or no rocks in it. Like a mortar. You could create 5 or so stones with that bag.
Mix your concrete, adding water until the concrete has a thick pancake or cake like batter look. Then, pour it into the planter base.
to see the whole tutorial, please visit us.

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  • Kathleen Kathleen on Mar 12, 2019

    Could one color the color of the cement some how? Maybe all green rather than gray?

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