The Wizard of Oz's Tin Man & His Girlfriend...The Tin Lady!
(IC: homeowner)
8 Hours
I had wanted a Tin Man for a while, so.... after much struggling with the pieces and parts finally managed to put one together. It took me hours and hours to figure out how to put him together, but I loved him as soon as I finished. I realized he really needed a mate, sooo.....I began collecting cans again......and alas I now have a pair - even though it took me months to get around to starting on her!!
You would think that if I'd already made one it would be a breeze to make another, right??!! Not so, at least not for me. I didn't write anything down about how I put the first one together and what order to do this, what worked and didn't and certainly didn't take any pictures! I knew this would not be the last one I made so decided to make notes this time. It was still a trial and error method since quite a bit of time had lapsed between the first Tin Man and the next one.
**b) It takes 18 strainer pieces for the skirt. I start in the back of the body attaching the pieces so that if they don’t match up exactly it is less noticeable. Start by holding a strainer piece against the bottom edge of the body, slightly up over the edge and mark (with sharpie) where screw holes(s) will go. Make hole(s) with ice pick and attach with screw(s). Some strainers have smaller slots for screws than others and you will only need 1 screw per strainer piece. Lucky you if you score some of those! ‼ Overlap pieces as you go around. Skirt will be in a fairly tight circle when done, but you can flair these out with your hand easily with a gentle bending.
**5) Attach BOW to funnel (hat)
6) Attach ARMS to BODY.
b) Fish wire up through bottom (soup) can (wire stopper knot inside bottom can) and up through upper (vegetable) can of ARM. When you let go the top can will slide down over bottom can. Here is how you fix that. You have to hold the wire with one hand and separate cans with other hand, allowing them to overlap a little. Bend wire at top of uppermost can and mark wire with sharpie. Remove top can from wire and using your needle nose pliers wrap the wire around the end of the pliers to make another ‘knot stopper’, JUST BELOW SHARPIE MARK. Feed top can back on wire and it should stop at knot and you have an arm‼
8) Attach BODY and HEAD/NECK.
9) Attaching LEGS to FEET
c) Flip the two cans over and mark and punch 3 holes, as shown in picture on left. ** Ignore the stray 4th hole to the right side in the picture of the sardine can….not sure what I did there**. The two holes at the top are for screwing the two pieces together and the 3rd (center) hole is for the wire that is going to go up through and into the next LEG piece and attach to the BODY.
10) Attaching LEGS to BODY
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Published June 19th, 2015 9:24 AM
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