Asked on Feb 16, 2014

Stray Cats Overtaking My Yard, Garden and Areas Around My House.

by Ellawatson
My neighbor has a million cats. This draws other cats to the area. My yard is full of cat poop, my gardens and plants are disgusting with the cat spray. What can I do to keep them out of my yard and garden. I don't have cats any longer as I have become allergic to them. Any suggestions? Thank you.
My back yard with my cat neighbor next door.
  62 answers
  • Sow and Dipity Sow and Dipity on Feb 16, 2014
    Ugh! What a dilemma. There are dozens of different things to try, but once they decide they like digging in your garden it can be hard to deter them. You could try chopping garlic and placing it in areas they love to dig in. The pungent smell may turn them off... of course you garden may smell like a pizza, but that's better than digging up disgusting turds!
  • SawHorse Design Build SawHorse Design Build on Feb 16, 2014
    Get a small dog that will chase anything!
  • Linda Linda on Feb 16, 2014
    I recently read that you can stop your cat from sharpening its claws on your furniture by spraying with vinegar. If that works for furniture, Then it should work for everything else as well. I might try putting bowls of vinegar around the yard to train them to stay away. Years ago people used to use moth balls but they are toxic and not recommended anymore. Cats are lovely, if you want one.
  • Carole Carole on Feb 17, 2014
    Supposedly they don't like citrus. Have you tried orange peel or an orange or citrus scented spray around the garden. Whatever you do, don't use bleach to clean paths or anywhere they have peed, as it attracts them to re-spray to put their scent mark back there. A dog might deter them but then you may replace one problem with another. A dog can bark and annoy neighbours, can dig up your plants and you will still have poop to deal with - this time it will be dog poop rather than cat poop! Maybe you could borrow a dog for a week or so? it's scent in the garden and the initial sight of it might be enough to put the cats off for a while? Our neighbours cats don't come into the garden area that we fenced for our Labrador - she loves to chase cats - don't think she would do anything but sniff it if she caught up with one, but the chasing alone is enough to worry the cats and keep them away! Good luck with it!
  • Carole Carole on Feb 17, 2014
    Just a quick thought. If you do borrow a dog to deter the cats, just be aware that female dog urine can kill your lawn and cause bald spots (female dogs squat to pee). Males cock their legs and so this does not seem to affect the lawn so much - don't want you to end up with a bald lawn!
    • See 4 previous
    • Terri Terri on May 02, 2020

      Project Cat Snip is in most communities and has very low cost spaying and neutering services! ❤️

  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on Feb 17, 2014
    The bad thing about cats is people do not "clip" them so they just keep multiplying. I saw a segment on Animal Planet where the Cat Expert, Jackson Galaxy used motion activated sprinklers hooked to a hose to deter them. Boy they scrambled when that water hit them.
  • Call the board of health. Let them handle the cats. One or two and perhaps three cats in a house is fine. And controllable in the yard, but if they are attracting other feral cats the township should be getting involved. Your neighbor does not need to know you even complained.
  • Elizabeth Biel Elizabeth Biel on Feb 17, 2014
    Outdoor cats pose a danger to the environment , from birds down the line to wild grass seed. Not to mention the diseases stray cats get. Purchase a Have-a-heart trap and start taking them to your local shelter. It's kinder than letting get sick, fight and keep multiplying.
  • Sheri N Sheri N on Feb 17, 2014
    I would first call your local animal control. If she has that many cats she should have a kennel license! Animal control can also trap the feral cats that have wandered into your yard. I also agree with Jeanette S that motion activated sprinklers would work. Although I would move them to a different location daily so the cats aren't conditioned to avoid the area you've put them in.
  • Connie Mar Connie Mar on Feb 17, 2014
    Trapping feral cats and taking them to a shelter only leads to more cats. Truly feral cats need to be trapped, spayed/neutered and released to control the population. I'm guessing "a million cats" is an exageration, and it may seem like a lot when they are pooping in your yard. Have you talked with your neighbor? Our cats never go outdoors and cats who remain indoors are healthier, live longer, and don't distress any neighbors. Typically, indoor cats and feral cats don't hang out together. If I did have a cat who went outdoors and they disappeared because someone trapped them and dumped them off at a shelter (where they will usually be killed), I would be extremely upset. If she truly has an unreasonable amount of cats, again, some shelters will investigate hoarding situations. Humane society, ASPCA, etc. If she is hoarding cats, they need to be removed responsibly and she needs help to avoid more hoarding.
    • See 3 previous
    • Yofrendonna Yofrendonna on Apr 07, 2017

      My pups are microchipped because they use the yard. Kitties are never outside. But they all have a collar tag with my email address and phone number if they were to ever get out.

  • I live in a large subdivision and there is a feral male or two who enter my yard and spray which is the worst smell in the world. I have 2 indoor/outdoor spayed females who let me know when the cat is outside on the deck if all animals are in-this is a rare occurrence and one of the feral males look just like one of my cats. My neighbors know my cats and after seeing them catch voles, moles, and mice in their yards and under their decks, do not seem to mind anymore since they are serving a purpose. My cats do not roam far and are in every night. I have 2 dogs which are great for chasing the squirrels and stray cats out of the yard too and this has helped a lot. To deter the cats you need to apply many methods-water, scent, and noise. I would buy a supersoaker and fill with vinegar and some water and squirt the cats. Motion water would be great too but you need something that they will detest to keep them out. The cats are spraying their territory and warning others that this is their territory. Female cats spray too! You could also try moth balls in the flower beds too. there are products sold to sprinkle on ground and plants and check the stores and eBay for prices. I do not know how FL is about stray, feral, or loose cats but here the animal control will do nothing. However, if the woman is hoarding cats in her home, then you have a health condition. Unfortunately people do not realize that there are many places where low cost or free spaying and neutering is done by the SPCA and other organizations. Here feral cats are done free and they will even loan out traps to catch them but the catch is you have to release them back where you got them. Good luck
    • See 1 previous
    • Nic49921225 Nic49921225 on Apr 21, 2022

      I’ve used them all. Even tried the upside down carpet runners covered lightly with mulch. They keep pulling or smashing by laying on my yard planters. So I thought…. Plant cactus. They just flipped them out of the pots and latex in them anyway. Help!!!!!!!

  • Sheri N Sheri N on Feb 17, 2014
    I did some research for you, and I found a few solutions other than the motion sensor water. First those feral cats carry parasites and toxmosis (sp?) and they have probably infected your neighbors cats with the same. Feral cats are about 40% infected with the nasty little bugs! If you have pets that are allowed in your yard I would get a garden sprayer and fill it with a 50/50 solution of ammonia and water and spray "EVERYTHING"! Especially the dirt. This won't kill your plants but it will kill the parasite's that are living in the soil. Also call your local garden center and ask them if they carry coyote or bobcat urine. I have found that this is the best deterrent. Spray around the perimeter of your yard and it should keep the cats from getting inside. You need to reapply weekly or when it rains. Also use anything prickly in your flowerbeds such as pinecones, holly leaves,or rosebush trimmings. A heavy layer of coffee grounds will work as well and your plants will love you for it. Also keeping the soil watered since cats don't like to get their feet wet. Please, before you do anything spray with the ammonia/water solution! We almost lost a dog to a parasite and had to do the same thing.
  • Royal Royal on Feb 17, 2014
    I am so glad you posted this problem. I, too, am infested with, two of my neighbors', cats. Those cats are breeding like rabbits. It snowed and I saw their tracks going under my porch. They have made a home under my mobile home. I am afraid to lift the skirt of the house. There may be hundreds behind there. I will be going to PetCo etc to see if there is anything else to help. Inside of my house, as well as my garden STINKS. Thanks a bunch for the tips.
  • Lynn Lynn on Feb 17, 2014
    I had the same problem. The neighbors cats decided to use my bushes and mulched areas as the litter box. After trying all kinds of what seemed temporary solutions ( pepper, orange peels and other deterrents wash away in rain) we put down plastic carpet runners with the spikes facing up and put the dirt and mulch lightly over that. It doesn't hurt them, but they don't like the spikes : ) Have heard pine cones work well too. Our front door no longer smells like a litter box. Good Luck
  • MaryAnn B MaryAnn B on Feb 17, 2014
    I read that laying clipped branches in a crisscross fashion on the soil will deter them. How about rosebush clippings. Sorry all you cat lovers, but my dogs stay home and I hate the stray cats too.
  • Patty Patty on Feb 17, 2014
    I live in the country and unfortunately people drop off cats and dogs, and the lady that lives down the road from us takes in all the cats. The cats are sick and they multiply constantly. I read several years ago that if you coat pieces of wood (branches) rock or stones with Vicks Vapor Rub and place them around flower beds etc. it will keep cats out, well it works really good. I even spread it around my flower pots to keep squirrels out. This works so well I can't believe it. I buy the cheep jars from Dollar General. If you use vinegar you are taking a chance that if it is spilled or splashes on your flowers or your lawn it could kill whatever it lands on and the Vicks doesn't wash off when it rains. I would do the Vicks and also call animal control, we have set traps and caught some and animal control comes out and picks them up and they come out periodically and sets there own traps. Good Luck
  • Tammie Kelly Tammie Kelly on Feb 17, 2014
    my friend has her husband "mark" all around the fence. I guess it works
  • We had the same issue...we plants LOTS of lavender and sprinkled cayenne in all of the flower beds were they were going to the works. Good luck!
  • If you can get a hold of dog hair ( ask a local groomer perhaps? ) and sprinkle it on your gardens - it's a natural deterrent - I've done it and it works!!!
    • See 2 previous
    • Kaytee Kaytee on Feb 18, 2014
      @Simply Suzan :) Would need somebody to spin the hair into yarn first.... But really, even chihuahua sized masses of dog hair don't seem to do any pest control. The birds (as many as have escaped the crows) have used it for their nests, and either the rats do, too, or it just drifts into the corners and crevasses they inhabit; not too many signs of rats now, though-- again, I think the drought, and very hungry coyotes, have reduced the population. We also have cleared out a lot of "corners", and removed the olive tree.
  • Gail Salminen Gail Salminen on Feb 18, 2014
    @Ellawatson you can deter them from your gardens by using a chicken wire under the earth. They won't like what it does to their claws. You may be able to just lay it on top if it is anchored some how.
  • Frances S Frances S on Feb 18, 2014
    Get a b-b gun.
    • See 6 previous
    • Terri Terri on May 02, 2020

      Federal crime to hurt /injury a cat domestic or feral...

  • Mary Mary on Feb 18, 2014
    Live trap them, take them to an animal shelter.
  • Sheree Hughes-Irwin Sheree Hughes-Irwin on Feb 18, 2014
    Moth Balls.........but keep putting fresh ones out.
  • well I personally need help with squirrels - had them in my kitchen last year munching fruit from the counter - 2 of them - ripped the screen open and jumped in...........and made new holes to jump back out again !!!
    • @Simply Suzan this reminds me of the movie "OVER THE HEDGE". We had this in our garage and used chicken wire in the garage at the ceiling meets wall because they entered under the eave where they had chewed in. chicken wire works well because they cannot chew thru it. In your case maybe put chicken wire or the smaller rolled wire on top of your screens to deter them. good luck.
  • Lorraine Lorraine on Feb 18, 2014
    There are several organizations that are dedicated to helping feral (or "community") cats and the people around them. The largest and oldest of these is Alley Cat Allies <>, whose website is a treasure trove of info. Another great resources is Best Friends Animal Sanctuary's Community Cats division: Community Cats | Best Friends Animal Society‎Best Friends Animal Soci...List of community cat resources for people in the rescue community. Get info about Best Friends programs and TNR for feral, free-roaming cats. I would definitely recommend checking out both of these sites before doing anything else--why reinvent the wheel? Also, toxoplasmosis is an organism that is ubiquitous in the environment--most adults have been exposed to it and are immune. The only ones who have to avoid coming in contact are pregnant women, and the most common means of exposure is through emptying litterboxes and inhaling the dust and spores of this organism.
    • Terri Terri on May 02, 2020

      Project Cat Snip is in most communities and they have very low cost spaying and neutering services. They will also assist with trapping.

  • Kelly S Kelly S on Feb 18, 2014
    live traps baited with tuna fish or canned cat food. The other alternative that works is a motion detector sprinkler.
  • Theresa Brown Theresa Brown on Feb 18, 2014
    Cayenne Pepper ...sprinkle it every will want to buy it in bulk.
  • CC CC on Feb 18, 2014
    What is wrong with you people? BB guns, traps, and goodness knows what "great advice" will be next. The cats are only only doing instinctual things that cats do. Did you think to maybe talk to your neighbor about the cats and together try to come up with a solution. Maybe she can keep her cats indoors. Most cities, towns and boroughs do have ordinances regarding animals without leashes, even for cats. Perhaps if your neighbor knows she can be fined for her cats running loose, she will voluntarily keep them inside.
    • See 3 previous
    • Erma Erma on Mar 15, 2021

      I understand about the bb gun, however I'M allergic to cats and I don't know who owns the cat I just want it out of my yard.

  • CC CC on Feb 18, 2014
    a humane way would be to go to Petco and by a sound deterrent. You can put it outside and it emits a loud pitched sound only animals can here and it is suppose to keep strays of all types of your property and it doesn't hurt the animals whatsoever.
  • I just looked up your city and you have an ordinance that all cats and dogs must be registered. You should call the city's animal services and have them investigate to see which animals are hers and let them deal with it.
  • Rebecca Wojtyszka Rebecca Wojtyszka on Feb 18, 2014
    I have the same problem. They hide under my porch to stay out of the weather. I have 2 westies that they drive crazy- getting me out of bed at 3am for they are in the yard. I've tried it all pepper & non toxic spray etc. nothing works even spraying h20. 1 cat was getting ready to have kittens & I tried to cage it- my neighbors were acting as if I was killing it but no one would take it in & help it. I'm all for pets- but owners need to be responsible. It's below zero where I live & pp let their cats roam & they roam to my house for coverage!
  • Vicki Parker Vicki Parker on Feb 18, 2014
    Spread orange peels and spray orange oil around the yard. That will help!
  • Buster Evans Buster Evans on Feb 18, 2014
    This is a very sensitive subject.. I had the same issue a couple of yrs ago. I trapped a bunch of ferril cats that were being fed in the neighborhood yet having kittens right and left.. Our humane shelter had a program to spay/neuter them and send them to barns in the area to control mice (where there is grain there are mice) . I hated to have to do it but there were just too many roaming freely . One mama cat can have 3 litters in a year of up to 3-4 kittens who mature enough in a year to each have at least one litter. I love to watch little kittens play, nothing is MORE ADORABLE than their antics.. However they do grow up and they do reproduce and in a small area if there is food available they tend to stay close by. I know it upset my neighbor and I am sorry about that.. but for the overall good something had to be done... Sometimes you cant discuss issues with neighbors because they have their likes and ideas about things that differ from yours. Check with your local preferably NO KILL shelters and see if they have a program for free spay/neuter ferril cats... they can be returned to the same neighborhood as well but it just stops the reproductive aspect of the issue.. it also calms the cats down some where they dont roam as much. Here they did the surgery, and then trimmed the point off of one ear the cat makeing it easy to tell if it had been fixed... some say that is cruel too but I have 2 cats from the program that are very healthy and you can spot the trimmed ear from a distance which saves having to catch the cat again or take it in again at least. now when I see a stray cat in my yard,, I make the PSSSSSSSSSST sound and clap my hands at it... they learn rather quickly where the boundary lines are and this works safely to deter them from coming around. As I said at the beginning this is a sensitive issue and not everyone will agree with the suggestions... I am not a cruel person by no means and this is much better than bb guns pellet rifles poisons etc... cats are very resilient and versatile creatures... but they can become uncontrollable . Hope this helps B
  • Teresa A Teresa A on Feb 18, 2014
    First let me say I have one indoor cat and I do love cats. However I have a family member who hoards cats and is a nuisance to the neighbors because of outdoor cat feeding. As I approach their house, the smell of cat spray is awful. There is a difference between having several cats and attracting hoards of cats. I agree with Renee that you should call the city animal services. They know how to remove the excess cats properly. One could get really scratched or bitten trying to catch them. Ferrel cats carry diseases as they haven't had veterinarian care. While I am sympathetic to your neighbor because I have understanding of my relative's issues, you do have a right to enjoy your property and not have it destroyed or smell. Good luck.
  • Jill Jill on Feb 18, 2014
    We have had many cat problems in our neighborhood. Cats are often just dumped out here outside of city limits. These are some of the ideas I have looked up and tried in the past. Many things can be used to deter cats. It just depends on how much you want to spend. First off, you also have to look at where and how they are coming into your yard. Are they climbing over the fence? Sneaking under it? Or just walking in Traps that can allow you to take them down or have them picked up by the humane society. The only problem is they will put cats down and if that isn't okay with you then you might not want to do it. If you do chose to do this, I would mail post card or put flyers out to all your neighbors anonymously telling them there is a cat problem in the area and that the humane society will be helping to trap and pick the animals up. Ask them to please keep their cats inside. If it's a very cherished pet that people are letting out at certain times of the day, you might want to let them know they might think twice about having to pay a fee to rescue it. Chicken wire will work, but it must be placed just under or above mulch or ground cover if they can just walk into your yard. If they are climbing over a fence, you can cut it and roll it lengthwise to make a tube and attach it or stuff it into the fence at the top so they cannot walk along the fence to jump into the yard. Water of course. We used a super soaker gun. The only problem with that was that cats tend to be private animals and like to sneak around unseen when outside. So they don't have a tendency to come into the yard when you're there. Automated sprinklers work well. Just the noise of them seems to scare them away. I had also seen a gelatin product that when you watered it, it stays very damp and squishy and cat don't like walking around in/on it. Also, flower beds that always are watered constantly works because cats don't like mud either. Certain plants also work as repellants. Rue, lavender, pennyroyal and something called scaredy cat. It's a plant something like gopher weed that keeps them away. Moth balls are effective, but don't last long and carry a very strong smell. They are also highly toxic to all animals. I read that you can put them in a jar with holes poked in the tops to keep the animals and children from eating them. There are other products you can purchase at your local hardware or pet store that you can sprinkle on the areas to keep cats away. These repellents claim to last longer, but still need to be reapplied every few weeks. Shake Away is one. It comes in a powder and you simple shake it on your plants and beds. It is made from coyote urine. Blood meal is a fertilizer that also deters some animals and lasts longer. Cayenne pepper also works, but if you are doing yard work every several weeks like weeding, it can be hard on your skin and it can be harmful to cats. Ultrasonic devices. You can find these online, and in stores. They emit a high pitched frequency that only animals can hear and want to stay away from. I have used a type in my backyard to keep my neighbors dogs from barking and growling at us when we are in the backyard. Mr McGregors Fence (or other similar products). This is an extremely low voltage electric fence made for just this purpose. There are two types depending on the pest. It is not harmful to humans, pet, children or animals, but provides a small stun, similar to sticking your tongue on a 9 volt batter, that will keep them from your yard. You can find it and read more at this link: ( Gravel, rock, tumbled glass, rubber mulch, lava rock, or DG may be an option instead of other kinds of mulch. Cats don't like the sharp feel under their feet. I have also a mulch made from pine cones around. They also have these devices you can put in your rain gutters that look like brooms. They are round like a brush with bristles sticking out everywhere. I know someone who purchased those and cut them into smaller lenghts and put them in their garden/flower beds. My neighbor uses ground tire mulch. He says he no longer has a real cat problem as they don't like the feel of that either. And last but not least, a sand box. You don't have to go out and buy one. Just build one out of old lumber with no bottom to it, Place it in an out of the way area in your yard so that they cats will want to go there. Plant catnip around it so the cats will be attracted to it. Yes, you will have to clean it. Get a long handled scoop to get rid of the solids and wash the sand down with water at least once a week. This will help to wash the urine away. Sprinkle in a box of baking soda to keep odors away.
  • Teresa A Teresa A on Feb 18, 2014
    My sister is the cat hoarder. She had been taking a couple of the more tame possibility adoptable cats to the local shelter every couple weeks. The animal shelter where she lives is not a no-kill shelter. I am sympathetic to the trauma of taking cats to the shelter that may get put down. That is why she was only taking a couple at a time, hoping they'd find homes. On the coldest night of the year, someone dropped off a mother cat with new born kittens by her parking area. She didn't take the cats in the house. It was very tramatic for her and a very cruel thing for someone to do.
  • Gretchen Gretchen on Feb 18, 2014
    Don't use moth balls. They are toxic and the chemicals get into the ground water (and ruins the soil for planting veggies there forever more). There is a commercial, organic product called "Shake Away" that I had luck with (look on Amazon, I believe) but there are others out there. Additionally, you can put chicken wire flat on the ground, under the mulch which will deter them, or mulch your planting areas with river rock or gravel (not small pea gravel - no pun intended). I have done TNR where I used to live - there are people out there who do it. Alley Cat Allies are great if they are in your area. You can also call your shelter and ask them for names of people who can do this - however, this will only neuter the cats and return them, not get rid of them. I take it these are pets, not ferals? As a last resort, call Animal Control but they may not put this high on their priority list and even if they do, you may not like what they do to the cats. I'd try the Shake Away (etc) and the physical barriers first.
  • MaryAnn B MaryAnn B on Feb 19, 2014
    I read that you can put branches crisscrossed in you planting area and the cats don't like stepping on them and will find a softer spot to visit.
  • Buster Evans Buster Evans on Feb 19, 2014
    Clarification as to "TNR" (I didnt know what it meant before I had my trapping experience with the cat situation here) that means TRAP NEUTER RELEASE . that "barn program that I mentioned is one place they release or they can let you have them back to return them to their neighborhood.
  • Tammie Kelly Tammie Kelly on Feb 20, 2014
    @Tonja Carter Yes. "Mark" as in pee around the fence. Not MY Husband! I don't own one of those. My friend's husband. In Arizona almost all the fences are a block wall. When the neighboring cats start to visit her backyard complete with a beautiful fish pond she suggests he start "Marking" his, well actually her, territory. :) Never witnessed it just know from her saying so.
  • Lesa Lesa on Mar 05, 2014
    Most cities have a farm co-op store where you can purchase items such as deer away and squirrel deterrent. They have a product that will help repel the cats as it is manufactured with urine. The moth balls also help to deter, but they need to be changed out and kept in a small plastic container so they don't seep in the soil as they will kill plants. I have also used rock salt and orange oil, to help keep them out of planters(also helps with slugs). All of these are deterrents, they will not completely exterminate your problem. For that you need to ask the homeowner to help and if this is not done then by all means do not hesitate to call animal control. I love animals, I have 3 dogs and 2 cats, but I know to control them. I have heard the pee method, however as with all chemicals, this has to be retreated after rain. Good luck.
  • Connie Mar Connie Mar on Mar 06, 2014
    Please give us an update. Did you talk to your neighbor, or try one of the methods suggested?
  • Kat Davis-Moran Kat Davis-Moran on Mar 06, 2014
    Anyone of these remedies will work:Scatter smooth, heavy river pebbles anywhere that there is loose dirt in your garden. Cats prefer to scratch at loose dirt, and these heavy stones prevent them from doing so. Grow rue, geranium or lavender on your property. These strong-smelling herbs are unpleasant to cats and keep them away. Scatter citrus peels anywhere you see cats. Citrus has a strong, astringent odor that displeases cats and drives them away. Spray any cats you see with the hose to drive them away. Alternately, set up a sprinkler with a motion detector to spray any cats that come on your property. Spread used tea leaves around in the areas where the cats go. The tannin is good for the soil and the smell keeps the cats away. Be careful putting the tea leaves near delicate plants, as tea leaves may be too acidic for them.
  • Adrianne C Adrianne C on Jun 17, 2014
    When I was a kid, one of our neighbors collected about half her cats and took them to the humane society. She caught about 90.
  • Lou Lou on Feb 03, 2015
    Cinnamon oil sprayed using a misting bottle of water should do it. It may be something you need to do routinely but the scent of the cinnamon oil is very powerful and so too strong for kitty (and dog) noses. This was used by myself when an adopted dog regularly pissed on the fabric skirt on the sofa he loved sharing with me. (He was claiming it and me as his by marking territory.) Anyway, add several drops of oil to a misting bottle of water and spray liberally around the perimeter of your yard. It won't hurt the kitties but it will be offensive to them. Plus the scent of cinnamon isn't offensive to people. I've also had cayenne pepper recommended but it can cause pain for sniffers. It might be preferable for the fence line when the scent of cinnamon isn't wanted.
  • Yvonne Yvonne on Feb 06, 2015
    I agree with Adrianne. Trap them and take them to the Humane Society, Your neighbors will get fed up with paying to get the cats out over and over. People should not get pets if they wont be responsible owners.I had the problem here for a couple of years and talking to my neighbor did nothing, she thought it was funny. Shes not laughing now, and her cats are not in my yard any more. Good luck, I know your frustration .
  • Annie Sires Annie Sires on Apr 11, 2015
    @Ellawatson My suggestion is a combination of deterrent and removal. Mothballs, Oils, rocks and Aluminum foil balls will deter them. Put flashing on top of the brick wall with small tacks poking up through it held down with large rocks... uncomfortable, but won't hurt. Trap the ones that come in to the yard. Use cat food or canned tuna changed often. With this, your cat problem should reduce. I doubt, with your neighbor, you will ever be truly cat free...
  • Carole Carlson Carole Carlson on Apr 11, 2015
    You could try small containers of vinegar placed in areas where they commonly spray. It also helps rid the area of the spray smell. Also put some straight vinegar in a spray bottle and walk around your property and spray here and there. "NOTE" do not spray it on or near plants you don't want to lose as it might kill them BUT At the base of containers, on cement walk ways etc. It has worked for me. If you are friendly (so far LOL) with the neighbour with so many cats, you can alway "return" to them in a box?? the evidence of the cats visiting your yard and let them know it is not a welcome thing in your yard when trying to enjoy the outdoors etc.
  • Justfixit Justfixit on Jun 05, 2015
    How about getting one of those automatic sprinklers that would spray water at cats when they move around in your yard. Cats hate water and would stay out.
  • DORLIS DORLIS on Jun 05, 2015
    Ask your neighbor to provide outdoor litter boxes full of sand for his cats. They do prefer nice clean sand to dirt. I like the idea of bagging up some of their deposits and taking it to him.
  • DORLIS DORLIS on Jun 05, 2015
    Also, you cold ask hi to get them neutered or spayed, this will stop a lot of the marking spray. NOT a good idea to take to the humane society, they kill after a few days.
  • Carolyn Keller Carolyn Keller on Jun 15, 2015
    Sounds like your neighbor is feeding them, so unless the food stops, they will continue to come around. I would talk to your neighbor, they need to build an enclosure, fenced in area for their own cats, or put them inside. Also close off all under the house spots or lock and securely close all sheds. Once the food stops and every structure is locked up tight, they will stop coming around.
  • Capernius Capernius on Jan 28, 2016
    here are some of the things that cats detest in the worst way: anything citrus. lemons, oranges, etc.; Rue, Lavender, Rosemary, PennyRoyal, Cayenne Pepper(the plant itself, flakes and/or powder-any 1 of the 3); Lemon Thyme; citronella, lemongrass, eucalyptus; Prickly Pear Cactus is another good one. Make cat-away spray from: up a batch of cat-away spray. Combine 1 tsp of black pepper, dry mustard & cinnamon in a spray bottle with a few drops of citrus essential oil and a crushed garlic clove. Fill to the top with water. Apply to any & all ares as needed.Rumour has it that this magic combination of strong scents is unparalleled kitty repellent. Lastly, a slingshot & paintballs will also do the trick...but these ( the paintballs) will not keep them away forever like the plants & spray will.
  • Patty Patty on Jan 29, 2016
    I used to have the same problem, but I read several years ago in my gardening magazine to use Vicks Vapor Rub, and believe me it works. I buy the cheap brand from the Dollar store and spread it on decorative drift wood and rocks in my flower beds and around the borders. I even spread a little on my flower pots. not only has this simple trick got rid of the cat problems but now the squirrels no longer dig up my flowers in the pots to bury their nuts and I no longer have slugs eating my hostas and the deer prefer my neighbors garden as do the rabbits. I swear by this stuff and it will not hurt the critters or the environment. I would start by spreading some on top of that fence and then as I mentioned above. Good luck
  • DORLIS DORLIS on Jan 30, 2016
    Also, ask him to install a 45 degree wire fence above his wall. Cats perceive this as something they cannot clear and won't even try.. Ask him to watch Jackson Galaxy on animal planet or go to his website for details. I under stand that if you do not have cats you would not want to clean up after them. I have had as many as 10 at one time (I rescue) and am lucky since I live in the woods and have no neighbors who have to deal with my cats. I do since they go outside to chase mice, moles and voles and come back in to use their boxes which get cleaned twice a day. I hope your neighbor is a rational, understanding person who is willing to cooperate.
  • Peggy Olsen Peggy Olsen on Jul 18, 2016
    Most towns or cities have a certain limit to the amount of cats you can have if you do call Animal Control !!
  • Lsc7199354 Lsc7199354 on Apr 06, 2017

    The sound deterrent did not work for us. We spent over two hundred dollars to surround our large front lawn. Did not bother the cats in the least. We also tried organic deterrent spray and that did not work. The cats are not healthy cats as their mess is very watery and smells awful. I did try cayenne pepper but that did not work either. We can be fined if we do not pick up after our dog toilets and it seems unfair that cats can spray and toilet everywhere with no consequence. And if your cat is not sprayed/neutered, you should not be allowing your cat outside. I am tired of not being able to enjoy my front lawns and gardens because people are ignorant.

  • Kathy Kathy on Apr 06, 2017

    My mom had that problem....she put mouse traps in the garden...the snapping noise of the traps rid her garden of cats!

  • Diana Deiley Diana Deiley on Apr 06, 2017

    I'd contact your local Humane Society for assistance. Feral cats can be difficult to get rid of especially if your neighbor has a hoarding issue. You'd be helping both if you let the authorities handle this problem. Best of luck.

  • P.p15814293 P.p15814293 on Apr 07, 2017

    Moth balls !! Sprinkle them in your gardens, around our yard, in the grass....anywhere you don't want cats to go. It may take a week or so to take hold, but once it does the cats won't linger in your yard. They may still cut through on their way to better places, but guaranteed they won't leave any "calling cards". Try taking some moth balls wrapped in a bandana "pouch" and hang these from branches, etc. also. Moth balls are cheap and aren't poinous to cats or dogs, but they REALLY don't like the smell.

  • Ms. WREN Ms. WREN on Apr 20, 2022

    I feel fur you (go ahead and chuckle). My neighbor ONLY has 7. They eat by her and ...t by me. You must ruin their pee scent. Inexpensively use vinegar. Next, you can't buy enough citrus at $10 a bag to deter strays...they are used to living in their environment. I live in FL. Almost ready to move! We have new cars they scratch their way to the hood! I can go on and on. Get $1 packet of tuna and a $49 animal cage AND START RELOCATING. Someone wrote mothballs in the garden they do seem to work, but yes, rain and sprinklers keep you tossing them around.

    Blessings in your permanent solution! 1 by 1. The Vet and Humane centers are full here. When you can't stop the neighbors from feeding them....they territorily call your hood HOME

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Jun 01, 2024

    Get your own cat - that should sort it!