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That reminds me of a flying roach...
It’s definitely not a flea. Fleas jump..in a badly infested house they look like a moving cloud about 2 inches above the floor. Elsie, a family friend was afflicted with polio as a child. She was a member of our church, and we drove by her house to give her a copy of the days sermon....roaches were in the bed nibbling on her foot. Looks much like the one in the pic
Gross...but thanks for the info. Luckily they are outdoors n not indoors.
If you could sweep a few into a glass Jar I think someone living close by you may be able to help. Or call into your local Library and look them up........
BTW these pics are zoomed in so this bug is as big as tip off a needle basically
They look like silverfish... https://www.orkin.com/other/silverfish/
This is original picture. These bugs are smaller than an ant and mind you I did not see these indoors. They were on the wood of our pergola.
Might be rove beetle.... http://www.tuin-thijs.com/kevers-rove_beetles-staphylinidae.htm
I would put a few in a jar, and visit your local hardware store or local university agricultural department for some advice.
Call your local exterminator, they are the experts.
Fire flies? Or termites. May be a may fly?
Usually they come from drains get Best control in make sure they can find and destroy nest
Pest control