Amazing Backyard Waterfall Fish Pond with Paver Patio transformation Greece NY by Acorn Landscaping, Rochester NY
Acorn Ponds & Waterfalls
(IC: professional)
Landscape Design Greece NY, Landscaping, Waterfall Garden Pond and stream, Aquascape Waterfall Ecosystem Fish Pond, Low Maintenance Garden, LED Lighting, Natural Rock Stepping Stones, Steps, Landscape Lighting, Rock Gardening, Garden, Backyard Landscaping, in Greece NY by Acorn Landscaping, Certified Aquascape Contractor of Rochester NY 585-442-6373. Acorn Landscaping: http://acornlandscaping.net. Be sure to check us out on Facebook and "Like" our page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Acorn-Landscaping-Landscape-DesignLightingBackyard-Water-Gardens/103109283059536
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"title": "For more info on this project, click here.......https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/notes\/acorn-landscaping-lan",
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Published August 27th, 2012 3:03 PM
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2 of 15 comments
Acorn Ponds & Waterfalls on Jan 19, 2013Thanks @BJL, there are many more photos of our Landscape Design work, Fish Ponds, Water Features and Paver Patios on those links. Let me know if you see something you like!
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