Laguna Water Features Fun With P. Allen Smith and Chris Their

Laguna Ponds showed us how to create a water garden feature quickly and easily at P. Allen Smiths Garden2Blog 2014 event in May at Allen's Moss Mountain Farm 30 minutes from Little Rock, Arkansas. Allen's Team, Mimi San Pedro, Lauren, and Mary Ellen pulled together items from around the farm for Laguna's Water Garden specialist, Chris Their to do his magic. The fun part is that he had no idea what they had in mind for him to create new water gardens. And he was going to do it in front of a live audience in a short amount of time! He did it and it was amazing with Allen's help! They had chosen an Ice cream maker, an old flower container, a wash tub, and a watering can. And Chris and Allen accomplished all of this in about 45 minutes! Here's how you can do it too.
P. Allen Smith assisting Laguna's Chis Their
Step #1

Purchase a Laguna Pump Kit. Laguna Ponds, Chris Their used Laguna PT8150 and then select what you want to use as a water garden feature.
Allen & Chris place the pump in feature
Step #2 Fill Your Water Garden with Water
Allen is filling the water garden
Step #3 Chris is choosing water plants for the water garden.
The Water Garden with Plants
Step #4 Add plants be sure your container is filled and your pump is plugged in and turn it on.
Washtub and Watering Can Water Garden
Step #5 Add Water to the wash tub for the next water garden.
Wash Tub Watering Can Water Garden
Step #6 You can choose some taller aquatic plants for this water garden.
Ice Cream Maker Water Garden
Step #7 The sky is the limit on what you can make into a water garden
Allen having fun with Water Gardens! :)
Chris Their obviously loves what he does :)
Step #8 Check for which pump you need, choose your aquatic plants and chances are you have plenty of items to make your water garden. Chris says, "be sure it doesn't leak!"
Steve Asbell
Step #9 Be sure and get up close and personal with your water garden! This is friend, writer, the best illustrator I know and author of Plant by Numbers: 50 Houseplant Combinations of Decorate Your Space Steve Asbell laying in gravel getting a picture of the water gardens.
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3 of 5 comments
  • Susan Susan on Jun 13, 2014
    I have one similar to these and I just LOVE IT!!!
    Where do I find the instructions on how to make the one with the watering can and washtub? I don't see specific instructions on it?
    • John John on May 24, 2020

      Ever get the instructions I was Loki g at the water can and tub
