Garden Box

by GranArt
The new adventure this year was to start a raised garden bed shared with my wonderful neighbor Lola. A friend gave me some wood garage door panels, my wonderful son came by and built it and now we need to fill it. Potting soil is not cheap and it is estimated that we need 48 bags 2 cub ft. I was thinking about filling the bottom with coastal clean hay then go from there with potting soil, moss, sand and top soil. Any ideas/suggestions will be most helpful.
Aug 2013, garage door panel garden box is holding up nicely.
Progress - July 3, 2013 -A
The Garden Box by day...
We decided to go with bark mulch for the base, then top soil, then potting soil and peat moss mix for the top. The drainage pipe is working great.
April 2013, the heat is finally on and the plants are lovin' it.
May 2013- progress. The wind thingys are keeping the wild kitties out of the garden box. YEAH!
Progress - July 3, 2013- B
There are 3 sections to the Garden Box. The signs were added really for color.
Okra has flowers!?!?!
Flowers on okra plants, what a nice surprise.
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2 of 6 comments
  • Meg Wylie Meg Wylie on Apr 28, 2013
    Peat Moss works well as does Alfalfa Pellets available at your local feed store! I would be sure to use some good Garden soil also and mix together in a wheelbarrow before filling your garden, some landscape supply stores will deliver a nice garden mix by the yard.
  • Ramona Fay Ramona Fay on Jan 17, 2016
    Yes!, I live in Canada & have 3 raised beds, built 3 yrs ago.It is a lot cheaper to buy soil by the yard @ a Garden centre or Landscaping place. 1 1/2 yards will fill your pick up truck box. Only $45!!
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