Plant identification

Cheryl S
by Cheryl S
Just for fun - does anyone know what this is?
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  • Sherri Sherri on Sep 19, 2020

    I’m trying to figure out what this plant is. Anyone know?

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  • DB DB on Aug 22, 2016
    Because off the leaf shape and where the flowers appear along the stem , I vote with the Horehoundd folks. Catnip flowers at the top of the stem and the leave are not so round, Great plant they make cough drops out of this stuff, It makes good tea....
  • Linda Hendrix Lovelace Linda Hendrix Lovelace on Dec 11, 2016
    these wild plants grow all over my yard. I would like to know what they are and is there any use for the weed or plant. It is pretty when it first starts to grow.
    • DB DB on Dec 12, 2016
      Horehound is a medicinal herb used in tea, candy, and cough drops. It is in the mint family so it does spread like crazy if you let it go to seed. A very similar plant is cantnip --also in the mint family-- you can tell the differnce by where the flowers appear. Notice that these appearr along the stem.