How to Clean an Iron With Vinegar

Thrifty and Chic
by Thrifty and Chic
5 Minutes
After trying different methods to clean the stubborn gunk off my iron, I finally found a great way that worked! Of course it was vinegar. This stuff is amazing! and to loosen up the toughest little parts, baking soda helped too!
Before and after
By using vinegar to rub off the easy stuff and 'ironing' the baking soda, the iron went from gross to new!
Rubbing with vinegar will take off most of the gunk.
'ironing' the baking soda soaked with vinegar took off all the hard gunk.
Thrifty and Chic
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3 of 5 questions
  • Evie Evie on Sep 20, 2016
    Will vinegar clean the 'gunk' from the bottom of the toaster?
  • Shawn Shawn on Dec 07, 2022

    I bet this will work on curling irons, too. I'm going to try it.

  • Regina Biscoe Regina Biscoe on Nov 17, 2023

    Do the iron have to be on when you rub it with vinegar and baking soda?

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