Thrifty DIY Farmhouse-Style Sign

2 Materials
Creating a rustic farmhouse-style sign is easier than you think, with a little help from the thrift store!
Find all the details and materials used in my full tutorial here!
When I spied this beat up (and, admittedly, a little gross) wooden cutting board at the thrift store, I snapped it up immediately. I have been wanting to create a primitive little sign for our kitchen. Besides, it was only $0.60- can't beat that price, right?
Old cutting boards are PERFECT for making DIY signs, which are so hot and trendy right now. First, I removed a layer or two of its previous life before giving it a rich stain that would look rustic, weathered and wonderfully farmhouse-y.
I love how the board looks now- those knife scars give it a really weathered look! Next, I used an awesome vinyl stencil to transform the cutting board into a sign for our kitchen. ( Check out my full tutorial for all the DIY details and secret tricks! )
After ensuring it would hang securely, I added a couple of hooks for our coffee cups! How cute is that? It's warm and cozy, and just looks perfect in our kitchen. Pumpkin spice latte, anyone?
Suggested materials:
  • Cutting Board   (thrift store)
  • Stain   (Home improvement store)
Sadie Seasongoods
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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  2 questions
  • Jeanne Jeanne on Sep 10, 2016
    What keeps your vinyl letters from peeling off the wood? Did you seal it with a varnish?
  • Sue Knutson Sue Knutson on Sep 10, 2016
    Do you have any ideas for those old knife blocks in your picture? I have several but no ideas on how to repurpose them...
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2 of 27 comments
  • Jeanie Jeanie on Aug 10, 2017

    This is so neat. I'll look for a board at the good-will store, and try making one.

    Thanks for the inspiration.

  • Diane McGee Raezer Diane McGee Raezer on Jan 08, 2019

    I Made one also , I Love it , The cutting board was a gift from my best friend many years ago, She pasted away , And I wanted to make something from it that reminded me of her. I Painted mine , And it turned out perfect.

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