Keep Your Keurig Clean – Easy and Quick Way, How to Clean Your Keuri

4 Materials
30 Minutes

I use my Keurig often, but had heard you are supposed to clean it every so often. I didn't want to use harsh chemicals for many reasons. There are two easy ways to clean your Keurig. For the first , the quick way to clean a Keurig, requires the use of vinegar. There are really only 4 easy steps for how to clean your Keurig. It's safe for the machine and even recommended by the Keurig company. The second, more detailed way to clean a Keurig, is still easy. It involves steps from the fast way, but is a little more detailed. It's like the difference between getting a quick car wash at the gas station and more detailed car wash from a hand washed place.

1. Pour vinegar in the machine and run the brew cycle (with no k-cup) until the vinegar comes out clean. It will take a few cycles. 2. Run a few cycles of just water through the brewer to remove the vinegar. 3. Clean the inside with a sponge or cloth (with a little bit of soap). 4. Use your little cleaning brushes to get in between the little crevices. 5. Clean the outside with a sponge or cloth.

Suggested materials:
  • Vinegar
  • Gentile cleaner
  • Sponge
See all materials
Rachel Belkin
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  • Mary Mary on Jun 03, 2024

    What’s the second way to clean the Keurig using vinegar?

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