My Volunteer Avocado Tree

Okay sometimes I eat an Avocado outside and must have missed the compost on the other side of the wood (I do not throw them in compost too often). There are 2 that came up but this one is going strong and since I live in zone 7 I have to find a pot to transplant it soon since in January we dip into the teens for a few weeks. The funny thing is I tried the whole toothpick in water and no success and here I throw the pits out and voile they grow. Go figure.
It is about 18" tall.
Potted up and inside for the winter. Grew another 6" or more since the first post. It is over 2' tall now.
The Garden Frog with C Renee
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3 of 7 comments
  • Julie Julie on Jan 20, 2014
    @The Garden Frog with C Renee , do you have any current pictures of your avocado plant?
    • @Julie It does not like being inside and wilts no matter what (unless I stick it outside on nice days). I am going to stick out in the garage after this cold snap this week where my Kimberly ferns and poinsettia are now and doing well.
      comment photo
  • Marz Bo Marz Bo on Jan 23, 2014
    I too have grown the avocado pits just by planting them. I live in zone 8 this year we're having a cold winter so for now My Roses, Meyers lemon and Gardenia; Plants all are indoors and away from my cat.