I Found This Old Ladder Hanging in a Cattle Barn and Fell in Love.

by Victoria
1 Material
I found this 14' ladder in my sons cattle barn. It had hung there for years. It was coated with mud wasps hives, cow manure, and filth. I hauled it to the house, power washed it, sanded it and cut off 7.5'. When satisfied with the finish I sprayed it down with satin finish. I decided to keep the rusty hardware and gave it a good sanding and coat of finish.
Now to figure out where to place it, my house is full of my finds and projects.
Blanket ladder
The final product, a finished blanket ladder.
My cattle barn find.
This is the ladder after the power wash. Notice the broken rungs. One rung had been previously repaired with metal and wire. Notice the top of the ladder is much wider at the bottom. I still have enough ladder left to repair and make a pot rack or a rose trellis.
Closeup of the rusty hardware.
All of the rungs are riveted in.
Rusty pulley
I think this small rusty pulley would be perfect to run a pendant light wire through.
The finished ladder in my bedroom.
After moving the ladder from room to room I settled on my bedroom. Better to keep my young granddaughters from climbing it and getting hurt
Suggested materials:
  • Old ladder, sander, spray clear coat
Frequently asked questions
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  1 question
  • Melinda-bee Melinda-bee on Dec 30, 2019

    Hello, I love your DIY ladder blanket and I have a question that has to do with the wood armour next to it. I have an armour in my home identical to yours and was wondering if you knew any information about them? I got mine at a Goodwill years back and haven't found any markings or identifiable features. Thank you!


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