Six Ways to Use Tea Around Your House

Alicia W
by Alicia W
4 Materials
20 Minutes

Here are six different ways to use three different teas - black, green, and mint.

You can use unused or used tea bags; however, in some of the tips, the tea must be dry. This is a great way to recycle your tea after you've enjoyed a spot of tea.

Best tea flavors mix

Whether for drinking or to try these hacks, this tea bag mix is the one that Amazon reviewers swear by!

Did you know that tea is the second most popular beverage consumed right behind water? I would be willing to bet that you have tea in your cupboard right now and enjoy a cup of hot or iced tea from time to time.

Tip #1 - Cleaning your hardwood floors with black tea.

To a boiling quart of water, add 6 tea bags.

Seep for 10 minutes.

Remove the tea bags and pour the tea into a bucket.

Add a quart of plain water to the bucket.

Mop your floors.

This is only for hardwood floors. If you have laminate, do not use this tip.

As you can see, this was done on blonde wood floors and it did not stain or turn the floors a darker color.

It also added a nice aroma to the house.

Tip #2 - Clean mirrors with black tea.

Add one tea bag to one cup of boiling water.

Seep for 5 minutes.

Remove the tea bag and add ice.

Pour into a spray bottle.

Liberally spray the mirror with the tea and wipe with a soft cloth.

Your mirrors are sparkling clean and it leave a nice aroma.

Tip #3 - Clean your toliet with green tea.

Add two tea bags to your toilet bowl. You can use unused or used tea bags.

Allow to seep 10 minutes.

Some people say you can just flush the tea bags down the toilet, but I wouldn't. Scrub the bowl and remove the bags using the brush or a glove, then just flush.

Tip #4 - Absorb orders in your fridge with green tea.

Place two or three tea bags on a plate. You can use used or unused tea bags for this tip; however, the tea leaves must be dry.

Place the plate in your fridge.

Remove after one month and replace.

Tip #5 - Freshen your rug using mint tea

Open four to five tea bags and sprinkle the dry tea onto your rug.

You can use used or unused tea; however, the tea must be dry or it will stain your rug.

Allow the tea to sit a few minutes.

Vacuum the rug throughly.

This not only freshens your rug but your room and your vacuum as well.

Tip #6 - Freshen shoes using mint tea.

Place a tea bag inside of smelly shoes. The tea will absorb the odors.

You can use used or unused tea bags; however, the tea must be dry.

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  • Linda T Linda T on Jul 12, 2023

    What is in tea that helps clean the toilet? Does it clean or just rid the toilet of bad smells.

  • 56680139 56680139 on Feb 18, 2024

    I hope none of you spelling police ever make a typo. Do you not have anything better to do than call out someone for a simple typo?

  • BJ Land BJ Land on Feb 18, 2024

    What is seep? Don't you mean, "steep the tea?"

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