Wall Art

M. J.
by M. J.
1 Material
1 Hour
Can't find the exact art you want for you home? Buy one and add your touch to make it yours.
I bought a white canvas flower piece of art. It didn't have enough color.
With small and medium brush I added green and yellow craft paint. Water base paints. All brushes were easily cleaned with water.
Mellow yellow
Pretty Petals
Suggested materials:
  • Craft paint, brush, sponge.   (Michaels)
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2 of 3 comments
  • M. J. M. J. on Jun 21, 2017

    Yes it does. I've done it to others and no one ever notices other than saying "how pretty or how did you find a picture with all your colors in it"? our secret! 👨‍🎤

  • M. J. M. J. on May 29, 2024

    I’m moving on to painting on canvas. I use craft paint.

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