Pallet Deck

by Zee
1 Material
4 Weeks
Ths is the very beginning of a project.. n the reason iv bn soo busy..
I have decided to make a deck for my back garden
as usual its Dad to the rescue n this time he managed to get hold of a load more of pallets to help me.. I Love you Dadicon

nothin better than a ton of pallets!.. you can make whatever you want. Its the painting that may kill you.. icon
i used Cuprinol 5 yrs ducksback in forest oak (i wanted a very dark brown) in my opinion it makes everything look tidier with a cleaner finish when its all painted one colour
Im thinking if i get the majority of the painting out the way thats a big job done!.also ordered 16 breeze blocks as i dont wat to sit the pallets directly on the floor/grass, as they will rot much faster. i plan to sit the pallets on top of the blocks. I will make sure to go into more detail in future posts
I layed out the pallets and measured levels this morning( the string represents levels) (23/09/17)
I have a long way to go. Any advice would be great fully appreciated but il keep u updated as i go. I expect to have to but a few (4) at least good upright posts plus post fix for each outer corner and then work from there.
This ones a big one and its gonna take a while icon
Suggested materials:
  • Pallets   (free)
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2 of 4 comments
  • Zee Zee on Oct 06, 2017

    decks going slowly thanks to weather and aching bones lol. Was also just given over 500 house bricks which i had to move and stack (that hurt a lot!) hoping to get back on with the deck this weekend

    comment photo
  • Zee Zee on Oct 12, 2017

    deck will hopefully be finished in the next couple of days :)
