Thank You Goodwill...Had a Blast Getting This One Done...

by Virgie
It was the ugliest yellow stained color, just needed my LOVE....
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2 of 16 comments
  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on Apr 09, 2014
    My son has been driving the pick up truck for a while since he cannot shift his car with a hurt foot. This has resulted in his bringing home all sorts of curb finds. He has taken dozens of pieces to Goodwill. Right now I have a 4'x30" ottoman on my front porch to be taken to them. It is covered in olive drab suede cloth. It is stunning. I wish I could keep it but it is too large for my house.
    comment photo
  • B. Enne B. Enne on Jun 29, 2018

    Well done!
