Plain White Air Conditioner to Have Taste - Easy Makeover

Chiyoko Kana
by Chiyoko Kana
2 Materials
2 Hours

In my living room wall, there is an air conditioner among colorfully decorated wall features. I've been hating this too white air-conditioner and finally decided to do something about it.

Step 1. Clean the air-conditioner

Well, this is not exactly the make over work, but necessary to have clean surface. And it is a good opportunity to have it clean thoroughly once in a while.

Step 2. Wrap it up!

It may sounds like easy to say than done, but it is actually the easy one. Just make sure the power is off, then wrap everything up like this without worrying about those moving parts. The wrap sheet I used is basically vinyl material and big sticker, so once it sticks to surface, it stays there.

Step 3. Make cut between each parts that move

This is the important step and needs to be paid little bit of attention. After wrapping up all surface except the top, as top part is usually open for ventilation, each moving parts need to be separated nicely so that each one of them will have no issue working.

The way to cut is not very difficult, your blade of cutter knife needs to follow the gap between each parts.

Step 4. Power on, make sure it works

This is final step. Please make sure everything works in the way it supposed to. This is when we see some parts still connected and fix them at last.

Make sure every function is working fine, the project is completed. Actually I have been thinking about do something about this too white air conditioner hanging on my wall ever since I bought it. Almost 2 and half years! Nevertheless, I haven't done anything until this point of time is because I always thought it may be difficult and what if I break it.

Well, it was not difficult and it doesn't stand out in bad way anymore.

I am happy with this result!icon

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  1 question
  • Lisa Lisa on Oct 28, 2020

    Do you think it is safe to install in such a way the air conditioner?

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2 of 16 comments
  • Irma Irma on Jan 15, 2023

    I think the white air conditioner may have been the only sane thing in the place.

    It was like looking for Waldo.

  • Bicks Bicks 2 hours ago

    It looks like a very creative person lives here and the air conditioner is camouflaged nicely!
