How do I get more curb appeal with my,home?

Peggy Siew
by Peggy Siew

I need ideas for the front of my home, it doesn’t have very nice curb appeal.

  14 answers
  • Vimarhonor Vimarhonor on May 19, 2020

    Hello. Installing some colorful annuals and perennials into your bordered flowerbeds would be an excellent option to consider. They gave a nice color punch to the Home’s presentation. Also a nice welcome mat and door wreath could be a nice addition. Light door wreaths can hang on command adhesive hooks. Sometimes the front door is painted an alternate brighter color also giving the eyes a focal place to travel to.

  • Em Em on May 19, 2020

    I would fill the two areas in front of the lattice with something low maintenance like hosta.

    Add flowers around the base of the tree and surround with a ring of low pavers like what is edging your driveway. Add some bright colored flower pots on one side of the steps. One per step. Or paint the steps a nice cheery color.

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on May 19, 2020

    HELLO there,

    Large evergreen shrub in centre of each walled bed + Hostas and seasonal plants .

    end of path by steps - Large container with something like a cabbage palm plus tumbling plants. Cut a inverted half moon shape out of lawn from corner of path next to steps round to the driveway. Plant that up with assorted plants and evergreen shrub on drive corner. Happy gardening............

  • Gk Gk on May 19, 2020

    Here are some front porch ideas you could use to be inspired! You have the great beginnings to create more curb appeal! Add some rocking chairs on your deck, some signs, decor like milk cans, fence post hangers, wind chimes, door wreaths, solar lights, banners on your deck railing, and so much more! Add some push in decor to your flower bed areas--birds, squirrels, rabbits, flags, etc!

    Have some fun!

  • on May 19, 2020

    You could extend your front flower beds. I’d suggest making the one on the right side of the photo and bringing it out a few feet and wrap around the path.

    window boxes on your railings would be nice too. :)

  • Befu Befu on May 19, 2020

    I'd pop some colorful perennials into those garden beds. I personally love hydrangeas, if they grow in your area.

  • Beth Beth on May 19, 2020

    I think it would look nice with flower beds around the border of the yard and driveway.

  • Ken Erickson Ken Erickson on May 19, 2020

    I like the driveway border of flowers idea. You may want to pop the color of the porch railing.

  • Baxter Baxter on May 19, 2020

    Before planting or decorating anything, I would PAINT that lattice the same gray color as your porch. A few minutes with a paint sprayer will do wonders in "grounding" the area and will take the focus off the stark white lattice. Hang a couple of flowering baskets on either side of the porch and plant some hydrangea, perennials, and boxwoods (or whatever shrubs do well in your area). Add some annual flowers for quick color. I would also remove the pine/large evergreen tree to the right of the porch--it looks like it will soon overtake the area. Here's an idea...

    comment photo
    • Totally agree with a few additions, paint your door a cheery color to draw the eye into your entry point along with a leaning Welcome Sign to the side of your door perhaps. Too, I don't see any lighting? Solar lights along the front or lights intertwined in a shrub there draws the eye to your entry at night. In addition potted annuals will never fail you when it comes to adding curb appeal if you don't want to fuss with perennials. Good luck!

  • Robyn Garner Robyn Garner on May 19, 2020

    You've got an adorable start to curb appeal! I agree to paint the lattice, it should fade into the background. I also agree that you should relocate the evergreen that's too close to the house. I would plant a small decorative tree on the very right to anchor the bed. Something like a weeping cherry tree.

    Slowly start expanding your flower beds - especially on the right of the house and extend them around the front walkway. I highly recommend you only plant perennial flowers so you don't have to replace them yearly. Make sure you plant things that are native to your growing zone (google your city's name and growing zone to find out) and for the sun/shade of the area. You can also make a planting bed around the base of the tree in the middle of the lawn.

    You can add some garden "art" to the beds - things like concrete eggs (directions to DIY on this site), etc. Some windchimes to bring in another sense. It also looks like you need some lighting installed by the front door and the porch. Eventually upgrade the furniture on the porch. You can even frame a pretty shower curtain (waterproof!) and hang it to the right of the door.

    Lush gardens take time to mature but are so much fun to create and so satisfying to see. Above all, have fun with it! 😎 🌼 🌸 🌻

  • Add flower boxes to the railing and fill with flowers. Then add hanging baskets on the porch and a couple of urns in front of the steps.

  • Homeroad Homeroad on May 22, 2020

    I would plant flowers in that pretty cement brick area. Also you could cut a circle out of the grass around the tree, edge it with bricks then plant flowers around it. You could also paint your front door a bright color. It looks beautiful now!

  • I would add some colour flowers in the flowerbeds below the porch.

  • Holly Lengner - Lost Mom Holly Lengner - Lost Mom on May 23, 2020

    Your house is adorable! I would add some color for more curb appeal. Add some flowers to the flower beds. Hanging plants and planters would be a great addition also. I love the look of a fun & colorful painted front door for some major curb appeal.