Put down 12x12 stone to make pathway?

I want to put a walking pathway from my driveway to a shed. Do i have to dig out the grass to put it in or can i just put the stone on top of the grass?

  15 answers
  • Yes, you will need to dig out the grass if you want it to last.

  • Janice Janice on Jul 13, 2020

    For the long term it would be best to dig out the grass and possibly use sand to level the pavers. Laying the pavers after digging and leveling will make mowing the grass much easier and look professional as well.

  • Deb K Deb K on Jul 13, 2020

    Hi Monica, you could just lay the stones on the grass, but it would work better if you dug them in, especially for mowing over them, you could just dig each one in rather than pulling all the grass up

  • Dee Dee on Jul 13, 2020

    What I would do is buy some sand or top soil and put that over the grass first. Level it out and then put the stones over the top soil. The stones will kill the grass and as long as the area is level it will work.

  • Vimarhonor Vimarhonor on Jul 13, 2020

    Hello. It is best, safest ( to orevent falls) to dig out area- level place paver dust and seat your stones.

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  • Chloe Crabtree Chloe Crabtree on Jul 13, 2020

    Your stones will be more stable if you dig down and install them level with the grass around them.

  • It would work better if you dug out the grass and put down sand, then tampered it down and put the stone down followed by more sand.

  • Cynthia H Cynthia H on Jul 13, 2020

    I agree with the others. You want the pavers to be level, which is only possible if you dig out the grass and level it. Good luck and stay safe!

  • Peggy L Burnette Peggy L Burnette on Jul 13, 2020

    Hi Monica, hope this helps you get your pathway done. Good luck with your project. How do you lay stepping stones in grass?


    1. Lay the stones along the planned path. ...
    2. Once the stones are in place, trace their shape in the ground by cutting around the edges of each stone with a sharp, long-handled spade. ...
    3. Remove the grass under the stone and be sure to get below the roots. ...
    4. Use your spade to get under the turf and lift it out.

    More items...•Oct 14, 2019

    Lay a Stepping Stone Walkway - Lowe's

    www.lowes.com › how-to › lay-a-stepping-stone-walkway

  • Simple Nature Decor Simple Nature Decor on Jul 14, 2020

    You will need to dig out the grass and level it

  • Patty Patty on Jul 14, 2020

    Dig out the grass, level. The stepping stones fit much better and easier to walk on when they are nestled down and even with the grass level. Also, if you need to mow around them.

  • 17335038 17335038 on Jul 14, 2020

    If the grass is not dug out, the ground levelled, then reinforced with crush gravel first, the pathway stones will not hold their place. They will quickly begin to sink, lean, and probably crack.

  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on Jul 14, 2020

    You can put the stone on top of it but you will have to deal with it being unlevel. If you don't want to do a lot of work, put down plastic over the grass then add sand to level it up. Place stones on top of that.

  • Homeroad Homeroad on Jul 18, 2020

    Yes you really should cut a square in the grass before you put down the pavers. They will definitely lie flatter and sturdier.

  • Cheryl A Cheryl A on Jul 20, 2020

    why not do decking boards? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XImjl3-6TbI