How to Plant Grass Seed

10 Materials
1 Month

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Do you want to learn how to plant grass seed? In this guide we’ll walk you through the process step by step.

Step 1. Select grass seed.

When you select an area that you want to plant grass seed in, you need to consider how much sunlight the area gets per day.

There are mixes of grass seed that are tailored to grow in specific amounts of sunlight/moisture.

Step 2. Prepare the soil for grass seed.

Once you select the type of seed, its time to prepare the soil.

Most of the reason grass doesn’t grow from seed is because the soil wasn’t prepped properly.

Get a tiller and till the top layer (about 4-6 inches) and remove any rocks and other debris. With all the loose dirt be sure to level and give your lawn a slight slope in one direction to avoid water pooling in one area.

Step 3. Spread seed.

We used a rotary spreader to spread all our grass seed. Be sure to follow your grass seed manufacturers’ directions for spreader settings.

Step 4. Fertilize.

With the seed down, repeat the previous step but with a grass seed starter fertilizer. This just give the new grass the extra boost it needs to really take off.

Step 5. Rake.

Grab a lightweight leaf rake and lightly and consistently drag it behind you as you walk across the area you just seeded to work the fertilizer and seed into the topsoil layer.

This sets the seed/fertilizer combo and gives it a nice cushion so the seed remains wet. If you skip this step your seed will likely dry out and your grass will not grow.

Step 6. Water.

When you are done setting the seed and fertilizer, run the sprinklers to set the combo into the topsoil layer. You will need to watch and set up a schedule to keep the seed wet throughout the growing process. If you have a timer, set it up to water when the top layer starts looking dry or set a reminder in your phone.

Step 7. Keep wet and stay off of it.

Continue to keep the seed wet over the next few weeks while the seeds germinate.

The new seeds are very fragile and can’t stand up to the pressure of getting stepped on. We usually put up yard stakes and twine around the border and that serves a reminder to stay clear.

After two to four weeks you should have a nice newly seeded lawn.

Have you ever planted grass before?

Let us know in the comments below!

If you love this, check out  all of my DIY landscaping tutorials in the archive here!

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Chelsea @ Making Manzanita
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  • P Gillies P Gillies on Jun 25, 2022

    Do you have to remove existing grass first?

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2 of 5 comments
  • Mandy Brown Mandy Brown on Jun 24, 2021

    I agree with Pra28313410. I’ve been in the civil engineering field for over 25 years and designed, reviewed and inspected Erosion and Sediment Control for a major portion of those years. I know in my area it’s essential to put straw, hay or some type of matting down over your seeding to help retain moisture in the soil, keep wind from blowing the seed, keep heavy rains from washing it away and to keep birds from snacking.

    It is imperative to water every day until germination and to continue to water frequently until grass is established.

  • Leslie Leslie 7 hours ago

    Just a word to the wise, I wouldn't use hay, because of the seeds. Straw is fine mostly no seeds. If you use hay you will end up with a lawn that may turn into a hayfield.
