Mason Jar Mania

by Luvmypeanut
My Profile mentions my Mason Jar Addiction. It's true.
It all started with my dad's surprise 80th birthday party. I decided I would make the centerpieces. I could make these cute mason jars with chalk paint and flowers!
It's easy and quick right? Just paint, distress and fill?
And add a few tags? How hard can that be? Well when you have to make 18 of them....and they take two coats and you have to turn them over so it's actually 4 coats each......then sand all 18, then wax....then make 18 tags, all with glued on wooden cut out sayings or flowers.... PHEW!
Put in the end, they turned out pretty darn cute! They were a hit at the party and I let some lucky party attendees take them home as party favors! I've since made more as gifts. I have friends ask me to make them. I'm always on the look out for mason jars at thrift stores!!
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2 of 4 comments
  • Luvmypeanut Luvmypeanut on Jan 19, 2015
    I found this cute gallon mason jar in Sioux Falls, SD over the 4th. I added Kosher Salt and put a bottle brush Christmas Tree in it for Christmas. I just loved it! But I hated to dump out the salt after the when I bought these red burlap hearts for Valentine's Day...I thought it was a perfect addition to this Mason Jar!
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