How To Make A Super Simple Topiary

by Caroline
Here is a super simple topiary you can make in no time!
How To Make A Super Simple Topiary;

Materials Needed: (this is for one topiary)



Artificial greenery ball

Glue or hot glue

Florist wire or bread tie (what I used)

Spanish moss

Pot of your choice to match your decor

1. Place your styrofoam in the pot and secure it with glue or hot glue.

2. Next center your dowel in the middle of the styrofoam and push it in. I painted my dowel green. I also pushed it all the way to the bottom of the pot to help make it more stable.

3. Now add your greenery ball to the top of the dowel. The one I used had a mesh type structure under the greenery that I could run a wire through. I used a bread tie to attach the ball to the dowel and then used a glob (yes, that it the technical term- glob) of hot glue at the bottom ball around the dowel to also hold it in place.

4. Place Spanish moss around the top of the pot to hide the Styrofoam.
I made 2 of these and they are on the shelf of my hood of the stove. If you want more details just head over to my blog!
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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