Painted Dishwasher

This project has been a long time coming and I couldn’t be happier to finally be able to scream it to the world, I PAINTED MY DISHWASHER!
It may sound a little risky, but it was totally worth it. The ugly almond color had to go. It was the only appliance we had that was an off-white color and it stuck out like a sore thumb in our primarily black and white kitchen.
To begin this process, I covered the surrounding area with garbage bags and plastic table cloths and secured them with painters tape. I also thoroughly applied tape to the button control panel to help keep them readable after the new paint job.
Next, I sprayed the dishwasher with a few coats of Rustoleum Black Appliance Epoxy. It was very important to follow all the instructions on the can to insure even coverage.
Finally, I removed all of the layers of plastic and tape to reveal my beautiful, new-looking dishwasher.
We are very pleased with how this turned out, but there is one tiny thing I am not entirely crazy about. The control panel is still that almond color. Eww. But, I am so much happier with having a black dishwasher with a small off-white stripe vs. an all almond appliance. What do you think?

Read more about this project and other DIYs at Elizabeth Joan Designs!
Elizabeth Joan Designs
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3 of 4 questions
  • Penny Penny on Aug 30, 2017

    Is there stainless steel pant

  • Donna Donna on Jan 31, 2020

    Wouldn't it have been easier to take the door off to paint, it's not hard to do?

    I'd be afraid of paint getting into areas that couldn't come off if paint ran into crevices.

  • Angela Angela on May 05, 2020

    I love it! We did our refrigerator years ago with “appliance” paint. (Basically Rustoleum) I’m thinking if you have the model # for the dishwasher, you may be able to go on line for that particular part (the facia panel or control panel facia), & purchase it. It looks great!

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3 of 186 comments
  • Cne' Cne' on Dec 27, 2021

    I painted a white dishwasher with black chalkboard paint before. I just bought a white dishwasher that I am goin to paint black before I install it. My fridge is next to get painted black. It looks good and show people that they don’t have to buy a new one.

  • I glued beadboard and trim to my dishwasher and painted it the same green as my cabs, now it doesn't look like a dishwasher (except for the handle I painted copper)! I was lucky to have the controls on top that you can't see!

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