Homemade Fire Starter for Wood Stoves and Fireplaces

James Bryan C
by James Bryan C
Many folks have a woodstoves and fireplaces or even a fire pit. Pouring gas to start a fire is dangerous and lighter fluid can be just as dangerous and has so many fumes. Store bought fire starting bricks are expensive as well. I decided to make my own. I have nearly an acre of corn and more corn cobs than you can shake a stick at... I simply cut the cobs down to 5 and a half inches long so they can fit in a coffee can. Use 1/4 cup of lamp oil and 1/4 cup of olive oil put a lid on the can and shake allow the mixture to soak for 3 hours and you have a fire starter that will do the trick and you take care of the cobs that are slow to compost at the same time.
Corn Cob Fire starter
Cob cut down to 5.24 inches
I get about 20 to 22 per large metal coffee can
1/4 cup of lamp oil you can use any fragrance you want or not
1/4 cup olive oil causes the cob to burn longer thus igniting the tinder and getting the fire going
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  • Jean calsada Jean calsada on Jul 18, 2016
    That's a great idea we eat a lot of corn on the in season,and our whole family ,grandkids- go camping every year,all ways trying new things to seem (cool grandma for the boys) thanks love it ,ex Girl Scout mother
  • Bev Warren Bev Warren on May 09, 2021

    Fed the chickens some left-over cobs after we finished eating off the corn, so looks like I'll be heading to their pen to get the cobs. (They've been out there long enough to dry out). I take it that one can lightly roll the cob in the oils & set them in the can to "marinate" more. Thanks for the idea!! Hopefully, I'll be doing it right
