Paper Mache Mountain Display For Miniatures

Katie Watts
by Katie Watts

Hi Ya'll,

I enjoy making holiday crafts and decorations. I am on a budget but like to create elaborate displays.

Coca CoLa Polar Bear Christmas display mountain homemade with paper mache and boxes. Displays for miniature village pieces can easily be custom made instead of purchased.

I set up a polar bear display on an entryway table for the holidays. I wanted to create a display mountain to hold some of my smaller Coca Cola Polar Bear pieces. I began this project with newspaper, glue and boxes. I tape three boxes together. Each box was a different size and used this as my base. I mixed a large bowl of Elmer's Wood Glue and water. Tip - wood glue is thick and there is no need for flour or any other recipe items.

I shredded newspaper and tore magazines into strips. I dipped about three strips at a time in the paper mache mixture and began building and shaping my mountain. Tip - I spread out an old vinyl tablecloth to catch the mess - after shaping and creating the first layer, let dry - I added a second layer of strips for sturdiness.

This display is strong enough to last for many years.

After drying thoroughly (two days) under a vent, I painted the entire mountain with white acrylic paint. I then added black paint in crevices along with dark gray paints. I used a lighter gray paint on the entire piece that was watered down. The dark crevices showed through and gave the mountain a real look of stone.

After drying, I applied white paint effects for snow. I then sprinkle some silver and white glitter on the wet paint.

Once the paint dried, I attached my polar bear figures with hot glue. I added the beautiful down swept trees to some of the areas with a hot glue gun. The entire project cost very little to make and miniature village display pieces range from $50.00 to $250.00. I spent $2.99 on the trees and raided hubby's garage for the glue, boxes and newspaper. I have paints left over from numerous craft activities so this project was a true bargain.

I will display this during the holidays under lights.

DIY Christmas Decorations

For more festive decor projects, discover Hometalk's ultimate guide to a DIY Christmas, with ideas for wreaths, ornaments, trees, garlands, crafts, and anything else you can think of for the holidays!

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