Housewarming Gift Decoration

by Kaye
3 Materials
20 Minutes
As a small housewarming gift, I decided to give my sister a jar of homemade canned applesauce. When I grabbed a jar take along, it looked, well, blah. I tried sticking a pre-made bow on it and it didn't look much better.

It struck me to try and use some of the leftovers from another big project to trim to jar. There always seems to be at least one or two projects in process at my house.
I cut a strip out of a waste piece of wall paper and grabbed an old can of metallic spray paint. I spray painted the wall paper strip and waived it in the air to dry.
Using Elmers Glue, I wrapped it around the jar and glued it right to the glass. I tried to cut the strip off even with scissors and it didn't work. Should have grabbed the X-acto knife. OK, repeat steps above.
The decoration needed a little more so I braided hemp string to tie around the jar neck. Hemp string is great to braid but really doesn't work for bows. I remembered some lavender I found at my favorite thrift store and decided to try to make the decoration a bit more feminine.
With the help of some stick pins and Elmer's glue, I tied the lavender in a multilayered knot in the front of the jar.
I simply tied the ends of the string around the lavender, wrapped the ends around the knot and glued them back to the hemp braid. Hope the glue lasts until I get it delivered this weekend!

Suggested materials:
  • Pint Mason Jar   (on-hand)
  • Hemp Cord   (on-hand)
  • Wallpaper scrap   (on-hand)
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