Complete Kitchen including appliances for $1000
TimberStone Adventures, Inc.
(IC: homeowner)
1 Month
This is a full kitchen in a 1200 sqft TREEHOUSE! Everything in this kitchen including cabinets and stools are hand made. We purchased all the appliances from Craigslist. We also own a band sawmill so all the lumber used including wood cutoffs was harvested, milled, dried, plained and stained right on site. www.facebook.com/timberstoneadventures
As you can see in the before photos even the structural lumber is rough cut. We harvested and milled the lumber used for the structure right from our property as well.
All of the cabinets are made with Northern Red Oak along with the boards on the ceiling and stool tops.
We used wood cutoffs for the walls and bar. We painted the wood it is applied to with black paint then used liquid nail for an adhesive. We cut the wood cutoffs at 3/4" thick.
We put in stone counter tops to keep the kitchen original. My husband first built the base then used Field stone for the counter top. The stones are about 1 1/2" thick. He had to cut a lot of the stone to make it fit just right so there was a nice smooth and flat counter top to avoid any type of spills etc. He used Portland cement and Mortar Mix to lay and level the stones. He also used that same mixture for the grout. He put molding and trim around everything to cover the edge of the stones. We put polyurethane on the stones to protect them and the grout from moisture.
We put the stove in the counter to avoid that corner counter space that never gets used.
The bench in the bay window and counter top are both 3" thick of Northern Red Oak that were harvested and milled right on site. We shaved the bark off poplar trees then stained them for the logs on the corners of the bay window, bar and the middle beam on the ceiling.
The bottoms of the stools and the corner logs on the bar are small poplar trees shaved and stained.
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Published May 26th, 2015 9:11 AM
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2 of 90 comments
RhondaForsyth on Jan 08, 2016Beautiful job here love
Ginger the farm gal on Feb 22, 2016Priceless
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