Old 2-wheel Metal Dolly to Easy-move Large Plant & Pot Dolly.

by Gail
1 Material
Everyone who knows me, knows I'm always thinking multi-use of items in not always conventional ways, akin to multi-tasking I suppose. I'm of small stature & have limited weight lifting ability, hence, I needed a way to move our large heavy potted trees & shrubs without much expense.

Garden & yard carts would have worked but $$'s too tight to go out & buy one of these (DH fighting cancer) hence my need to improvise & make equivalent with what I had & very little expense.

I went to Goodwill looking for something I could attach to dolly that would be easy to leave on dolly or take off if needed. (Pulled up to handle when not in use). Hhhmmm, thinking outside the box, I spotted a covered styro surf board that was in good shape & about right size that was also very light weight (wood for this would have added weight on dolly). It was only $4.00. I can handle that price. Brought the surf board home, perfect fit with rounded end to fit on dolly. I tied the board to dolly at center metal support for pots to set on. Pots are larger at top than bottom, so some kind of platform was necessity given bottom plate of dolly isn't very deep.
Pic shows surf board in extended ground level position. This made it easy to slide or tilt pot to roll up on board, place top of pot into cradle of dolly & using a "flat" 32 inch bungee cord wrapped around pot just under lip. Pot with plant was now secured to move with my dolly. I can honestly say, moving the plants was both quick & easy.

3rd pic shows pot & plant on dolly as it sits for moving.

I moved 25 of these pots & plants in about 3 hrs. These were all Crape Myrtles.
Suggested materials:
  • Dolly I already had.
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3 of 4 comments
  • Gail Gail on May 01, 2017

    Hope it saved some backs. It actually held up without breaking til all plants I wanted to move were done. Wonder what else I'll end up using it to move ???

  • Nicolette Spargo Nicolette Spargo on May 01, 2017

    You are very creative!!

    • Gail Gail on May 01, 2017
      TY. I'm wondering now what other uses I might find for it. It held up without breaking for moving all my plants I needed to move.