Why are the lights not working in one room of my house?

by Dustin

Hello everyone!

I'm facing an issue where the lights in one room of my house have stopped working. It's a bit puzzling as the breaker did not trip. I would appreciate help to troubleshoot and fix the problem. Thank you

Lights not working in one room

  15 answers
  • You could have loose wiring. Call a licensed electrician.

  • Seth Seth on Jun 07, 2023

    Shut the breaker completely off anyway and turn back on. How many lights? Do the wall outlets in the room still work? Each light needs to be tested to determine if it is receiving power. Use a non-contact tester or multimeter. It could be a loose wire as Ann suggested, it could be in a junction box somewhere or the breaker may be bad.

  • Dee Dee on Jun 07, 2023

    I would call an electrician, as you may have a serious problem and do not want a fire.

  • Deb K Deb K on Jun 07, 2023

    Hi Dustin, hope this helps you out. First I would ask you to recheck the breaker for that room, by flipping it off and then back on. Sometimes when they "flip" they don't move to the "off" position and look like they are okay, if you look close enough, you can see a small misalignment from the other breakers.

  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on Jun 07, 2023

    This maybe a dumb question, but basic, did you change out the light bulb? Maybe that is it.

    Check out the breakers very thoroughly, sometimes they are deceptive and not quite aligned correctly. If all are ok, then check out the wall plugs and see if they are working. If they are then you have isolated it to a particular circuit.

    Bring in the electrician.

  • Mogie Mogie on Jun 07, 2023

    It sounds like you may have a loose connection in one of the light fittings. This would not cause the fuse to trip but would mean your lights would stop working. With the power switched off, you would need to check the connections to the light fittings are sound.

    If you don't manage to see any obvious problems it would be a good idea to contact an electrician who will be able to diagnose the problem for you.

  • Cheryl A Cheryl A on Jun 07, 2023

    Search Results

    Featured snippet from the web

    Why Is the Power Out in Just One Room? Tripped breaker: The localized outage could be caused by a tripped circuit breaker. This can happen if a circuit is overloaded or has been spiked by a defective appliance. Unplug all of the appliances in the room, and check your breaker.

  • William William on Jun 07, 2023

    I agree! Check the breaker for that room if it's on it's own breaker. They trip but don't always look like they are. Turn the breaker off then on. If the room does not have it's own breaker you'll have to look closely at all the breakers and find the one that is tripped. It will look like the toggle is slight off the on position. If it's not the breaker then there is a loose connection to that room. Call an electrician for that.

  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on Jun 08, 2023

    We had a similar issue with base plugs and found it was a broken wire that broke the circuit. The easiest way is to get an electrical tester and see where the power stops. IMO ceilings are easier than walls to fix.

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Jun 09, 2023

    Has the Bulb gone or the fillament?

  • Chloe Crabtree Chloe Crabtree on Jun 12, 2023

    My best guess would be that there is a GFI outlet that is tripped. Look around the room and see if there is one.

  • Dustin Dustin on Jun 14, 2023

    Thanks for the advice everyone, I had the electrician come in

  • Hi Dustin! It may be because of a tripped breaker. The localized outage could be caused by a tripped circuit breaker. This can happen if a circuit is overloaded or has been spiked by a defective appliance. Unplug all of the appliances in the room, and check your breaker. Hope this helps!

  • Betsy Betsy on Jun 20, 2023

    Hi Dustin: Silly question here, by me. Do you have a GFI near or in the room? I had the same problem as the lights went out in my bedroom, bathroom and living room. I called an electrician and he went into the bathroom and pushed in the GFI button. That's all it needed :) He looked at me and smiled and said "Just push the button!" and, to my surprise he said "No charge!" :) So, if you have any GFI's around, try resetting them.

  • Annie Annie on Jun 30, 2023

    There are some potential reasons here, hope this can help! https://knockoffdecor.com/outlet-stopped-working-breaker-not-tripped/