Clean Your Stainless Steel Appliances and Keep Them That Way!

by Mom4Real
We recently purchased a new stainless steel refrigerator. About 5 minutes after having it delivered I realized that it had fingerprints and smudges all over it. I cleaned it with a little bit of vinegar, but could still see the smudges and fingerprints. I was so upset...I wanted my refrigerator to shine like it was supposed to. I did a little research and found out that there was an easy secret to keeping it shiny and clean and decided to give it a try. The results were amazing and it literally took less than 5 minutes and two ingredients that everyone has in their kitchens!
I started by cleaning my refrigerator with vinegar and a cloth.
Next, I rubbed olive oil all over my refrigerator, going with the grain of the stainless steel.
Once I had rubbed the olive oil into the stainless steel, I used a clean white cloth to buff the entire refrigerator.
It worked like a charm, and my refrigerator remained smudge and fingerprint free! I do this about once a week and love this new method of cleaning my stainless steel appliances! To read the entire post and find many more home cleaning tips, visit my blog, Mom 4 Real, below! Happy cleaning!
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  • Trina Trina on Jun 12, 2019

    I would think that the olive oil would attract and hold dust, is dust a problem?

  • Aiokersonalicea1 Aiokersonalicea1 on Oct 01, 2019

    My refrigerator is not stainless steel but the look alike to it. Due to the fact you can put magnets on it.

    I'm pretty sure the olive oil wouldn't be a problem or as some people have posted the furniture polish either.

    My concern is using the vinegar. Will it try and cause holes or eat through the metal? The sides are black metal.

  • Jeannie Herman Jeannie Herman on Jan 04, 2020

    I think I have messed up my stainless steel fridg. I cleaned it with miratic acid. Why you ask? Who knows. Anyway, there are stains on it...looks like rust, but not rust. Any hope for me? I am known for doing really stupid stuff at times. Not always, just sometimes. H E L P

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