Moss Balls and Topiaries (Size Does Matter!)

2 Materials
30 Minutes
With Blizzard Jonas' visit last weekend, I've had enough of winter. I guess the idea of our deck being colder than our fridge doesn't sit well with me. It makes me feel like a vegetable put on ice to keep crunchy until served! But since winter wants to stick around, it seems I am left with two options: - Behave like a caveman and yell at winter to leave. - Act normal and ignore it. If winter still wants to get cozy, then simply imply that it is no longer wanted by changing the home decor to Spring. I chose the later and started flirting with Spring. I haven't done much yet, but I've done enough to remind me of beautiful warm Spring weather: moss balls and topiaries.
They may look like a lot of work, but they were quite easy to make. So no, I didn't need the skills of Edward Scissorhands to make these beauties :)

My first project was a cork & moss ball, or the "World War II Sea Mine" as Greg calls it. I used some natural color Spanish Moss, wine corks, a hot glue gun and a Wiffle Ball. Any plastic or Styrofoam ball would suffice to make this one, but I prefer a Wiffle Ball, because not only did I already have one on hand, but also its circular holes make everything easier.
I used green Spanish moss for the one I made last year, which you might have seen in Greg's "Filling the Void" post. Not to have two WWII Sea Mines exactly the same, I decided to use natural color Spanish Moss with this second one.
The pine cone & moss ball have the same principle with the WWII Sea Mines.
Believe it or not, making these are so easy!

After tackling the small ones, I decided to go bigger. Other than the size of the balls, the process was almost the same. Now here is something interesting I learned while making these bigger moss balls -moss ball topiaries- Apparently any moss ball bigger than 6-7 inches gains a much more sophisticated title in stores -Moss Ball Topiary- and is more expensive. So regardless of functionality - which is home decor in this case - size does matter! Anyway... back to the subject.
The only different thing in the process was painting these big ones before hands. Here is the finished 8 inch moss topiary.
With the bigger moss ball topiary (I can't help myself giggling at the name), it was pretty much the same process. The only difference was that I decided to add some vines on top of it so it would resemble the real deal.
Since I made it this far with the moss topiaries, I thought I should try to make something different than just a ball shape. That is when I came up with this little guy.
For this one I used metal strap. The ones I had at home were perforated, but it didn't matter since they were soon to be moss.


CLICK ON THE LINK above to visit our blog post for the full tutorials on 6 different types of moss balls & topiaries seen in this post.

If you are interested in similar crafts & DIY projects, click here to see more crafts & DiY projects from The Navage Patch. Thanks for reading!
Handan, xo
Suggested materials:
  • Moss
  • Ball
Handan & Greg @ The Navage Patch
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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3 of 7 questions
  • Nancy Nancy on Mar 04, 2017
    The moss looks brown in the earlier photos, but is a lovely green by the end. Did you do something
  • Ruth Ollis Ruth Ollis on Aug 30, 2017

    Where did you get the GORGEOUS stand that the natural moss ball is sitting on? I am IN LOVE!!!!!

  • Veronica Villouta Stengl Veronica Villouta Stengl on Sep 01, 2017

    Hello everybody! My moss isn´t you paint it?

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  • Carol Carol on Mar 02, 2017
    Yaaaaargh - can't wait! Meantime, I still haven't found anything round in the size that I want.... Have the moss though, so maybe I'll wait for your other shapes :-)
  • Denise Denise on Sep 28, 2017

    These are awesome! We live in Ecuador,,,,need to start hunting for material.

    • Oh my - I wish Ecuador was one of those countries we lived in (oh we lived in many...LOL) so I could help you with all the info on where to find the supplies :-)