Tin Can Lantern DIY Inspired by Laura Ingalls Wilder

45 Minutes
“Laura was proud to be helping Ma with the milking, and she carried the lantern very carefully. Its sides were of tin, with places cut in them for the candle-light to shine through.
When Laura walked behind Ma on the path to the barn, the little bits of candle-light from the lantern leaped all around her on the snow." ~ Little House in the Big Woods
You need few supplies - a tin can, candles, hammer, nail and the secret to success - water!
Punch holes into the tin can in the pattern of your choice. Be sure to follow the directions to avoid crushing or denting the can when you make your patterns.
Add your candle for your own rustic, Little House on the Prairie inspired home decor DIY. So fun to repurpose these old cans into beautiful centerpieces.
Little House on the Prairie
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2 of 3 comments
  • Hillela G. Hillela G. on Mar 01, 2016
    I grew up on Little House on the Prairie! I love these!
  • Mary C. Brinkley Mary C. Brinkley on Dec 08, 2016
    This was a can of chicken in broth. I painted it inside and out then hot glued decorations I had on hand. It is big enough for a large pillar candle.
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