HAPPY EARTH DAY! Rustic Wood Plant Holder Decor

Zest it Up
by Zest it Up
6 Materials
A few of my favorite things that are trending these days are...pothos , barn wood, & copper. Yep simply click on any of those links and you will lose yourself to the world of pinterest inspiration. I know because just typing in those words was oh so tempting after seeing all the pics pop up!! But with that said it's one thing to pin a pic and another to actually do a project. Today I challenge you to bust out the power tools and get zestin' with me!! Today's project was not only inspired by plants, wood and copper- but also Brooke's zesty project. Remember when she made this awesome air plant holder? Well now it's my turn to put my own spin on it!!
First I measured my wood to be three equal panels....
After I cut the wooden sections I drilled two holes on the top for the leather to hang the board and then attached the copper pipe holders....
All set?
Now to slide the test tube into place, you will want to make sure it is nice and tight
Next I cut a strip of leather to make a hanger on my plank
Fill with water and pop a plant inside, I used pothos because they root very well in water and are easy to care for...
Loving my trio!
Next make sure to fill water in the test tubes every week!



Photo credit: Anya McInroy

Photo Credit Anya McInroy
Suggested materials:
  • Fence board
  • Saw
  • Drill
See all materials
Zest it Up
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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  • Jim Jim on Jun 11, 2016
    In the UK, that translates into "exotic (utter)-Creations (rubbish)".
  • Angie Godbout-McMillan Angie Godbout-McMillan on May 18, 2018

    I’m going to try but with maso jars. Test tubes are cute but not practical with my plants. Maybe a long barn board with 3 going across. Jute for decor around jars. .......hmmm. Think I’m on a roll!! Thanks for “ planting that seed!” Lol

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