Design Your Own Plastic Spoon Lamp

Nathalie van Ravels
by Nathalie van Ravels
3 Materials
Make a total new lamp using a recycled proteïne powder container or give a new look to a boring excisting lamp. Run to the store for those cheap plastic spoons and start making one !

I saw this project on pinterest but made it easier. Use a hair straightner to melt the spoons instead of the heat of a candle. I used about 300 table spoons for the Ikea ceiling lamp i transformed.

Cut the spoon but not to short so you can melt it and glue it. You can always cut of a piece after melting. After iI melt it, i let it cool down on the surface I am going to glue it on. If you're to slow, heat it again and start all over again. When you cool it of on the surface, it takes the perfect shape or curve. Watch your fingers when you glue the spoons. HOT !!

Choose your shape. Pinapple or feathers like. Spoons up or down. The look is completely different. Cut All your spoons. Then melt one by one and glue immediatly around and around and so on. glue on glass Is difficult. it might come of. Use more glue

If you use a powder container.:The lid becomes the botom. I used coffee spoons for the lid . cut a hole in the lid to ad the holder of the lamp ( pardon my English, it's not my native tongue)
Use a LED lamp because of the combination plastic and heat . LED has nearly no heat. Make sure you have holes to release heat.

You can spray paint the spoons to get a diffrent look or put a colored LED inside

while watching TV I switch the led lamp to orange to give a relaxing mood

blue light activates your concentration
Suggested materials:
  • Plastic table spoons and coffee spoons   (Belgian store called colruyt)
  • Proteïne powder container   (Food store)
  • Boring excisting lamp   (Home)
Frequently asked questions
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  2 questions
  • Jenny Jenny on Feb 10, 2018

    I love this idea, do you think there is a way to adapt this idea to these lights? They can be moved into any position,I just have them up because the light they give off is so hideous and obnoxious. I rent so I can't permanently change them.

    comment photo
  • Mr ATC Mr ATC on Oct 31, 2022

    Nice Idea! Do you have a blog or facebook page?

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6 of 10 comments
  • Dori B Dori B on Mar 05, 2017
    These shades are truly beautiful! If I hadn't known, I would never had guessed that they were made with plastic spoons!
    • See 2 previous
    • Nathalie van Ravels Nathalie van Ravels on Feb 02, 2021

      I didn’t. I used an old glass lamp and glued the spoons on the glass

  • Peg Picone Peg Picone on Jan 09, 2021

    Going to make this for my great granddaughter's room.
