Zipper Pouch

by Ariel
6 Materials
10 Minutes
Hi everyone! I have a new post for you guys, but this one is going to be talking about the one thing we dread the most. Cleaning, more specifically, organizing our home.

Listening to Marie Kondo’s “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing”. Inspired me to craft this neat and cute idea from using a basic water bottle, a zipper, and some washi tape.


"We have a special treat for Hometalkers today! Everyone who goes to gets a free month trial subscription to Audible and a free copy of 'The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up’! Just click here, sign up, and claim your free book today. Enjoy and happy organizing!

You will not need much for this project! All you need are water bottle, a sharpie, box cutter or x-acto knife, and a 9 in zipper.
Grab a basic water bottle, and be sure to mark off, with your ruler, 2 inches in. Use a black sharpie to clearly see your lines, you don’t want to cut into this water bottle crooked!
Next, very carefully, cut into the water bottle using an x-acto knife or box cutter depending on how thick the bottle is. Be sure to go slow! You don’t want to hurt yourself.
Then, take a 9 in zipper, and begin hot gluing it between the bottle you cut. The zipper has to be facing outward so you can open and close it, and use a fun bright color to add personality to your pouch!
You won’t need a lot of glue to attach the zipper, just make a line of dots of hot glue.

Once you have the zipper in the pouch, add washi tape of your choice to make the pouch decorative!

Now you have an adorable pouch to hold the small items you can't do without and it is up cycled from an item you usually have in your home!

Don't forget to claim your free copy of 'The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up’ and free 30-day Audible trial at
Suggested materials:
  • Water Bottle   (Refrigerator)
  • Washi Tape   (Michael's Arts and Crafts)
  • 9 in Zipper   (Michael's Arts and Crafts)
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3 of 10 questions
  • Ellen J Hoover Ellen J Hoover on May 25, 2017

    Not a question but.... I did figure out that it was two bottles. And I think it's cute. Different,clever and something of a conversation piece.

  • Mia Mia on Jul 23, 2017

    I don't have a lot of experience with sewing in zippers or anything, so pardon if this is a dumb question, but what if the circumference of the bottle is less than or greater than the length of the zipper? Can you modify the length of the zipper to accommodate? This would make really cute treasure boxes for my niece and nephew so I'd love to try it if there's a way to adjust the length of the zipper for different sized bottles.

  • Lal92049631 Lal92049631 on Apr 26, 2024

    I, also, do not understand the purpose of this project. Is it to just add 2 inches to the other bottle? If it is only to add two inches to the other bottle, why use a zipper? Couldn’t the bottles just be glued to one another with a piece of plastic cut from the already cut bottle? Also, you need to be clear that you are not using regular water bottles (that you buy water in from the store). Those bottles will only melt with hot glue. Any clarification Regarding the purpose of this project would be appreciated. Thank you!

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